View Full Version : Rebuild Time!

12-15-2004, 06:47
I just fell back-assward into a bit of cash. :D Looks like I will be rebuilding my engine come spring when it warms up a bit.

So, what would be my best option for a rebuild kit. I see DSG has one for a bit over a grand. I also saw some cat on ebay selling master kits for $650 or so.

What do you think my best options are. Right now I have TONS of blow-by (I actually get puffs at engine speed out the oil filler), and i am sure my timing chain is stretched to the limit. Performance is good on the upper rpms but could be better down low.

Ideas, opinions?


12-15-2004, 07:16
I'm about to go down that road with my 95 too, although I'll fall in an empty pit of debt to rebuild my engine verses finding some cash!

Speaking of the ebay rebuild kit, its not complete, you'll still need some other parts. I noticed for one that a new double roller chain is included, but no gears, you'll want to replace them as a set. But skip the chain anyways and go with the DSG gear set.

Looking at the DSG rebuild kit, its more complete, it even comes with a new set of roller lifters, which the ebay kit didn't. You can re-use the roller lifters, but I'd replace them, its not good practice to re-use them in an engine like ours, with soot in the oil.

Other parts to consider:

Reman heads (from The Diesel Depot)
New Cam (if you got close to 200k, you need a new one)
stud girle kit (if not included with the DSG kit0
The 98+ oil pump
New waterpump (even if you've done it not too long ago)
18:1 pistons?

The list goes on I'm sure...

Personally, my rig is sitting in the corner of my shop to be covered up, I am buying something else to drive, maybe something quieter that gets better MPG's. Good luck!

I priced out building an engine myself, I came out to about 2700 for a stock engine build including new cam and new heads, but no gear drive, etc. But this is with machine work, and me putting it back together.

12-15-2004, 08:00
Cowracer, FYI. when i rebuilt mine I found that a cam and lifters was about $400. It's probably the diff in the 2 kits. I opted to rebuild my old lifters. It gave me more $$ for upgrades. The machine shop I used checked the cam and said it was OK. He also said that roller lifters rarely go bad or wear out. He said to take them apart look for wear and clean them up and oil and reassemble. Keep them in order from where they came from and the direction they were turning.
I had 132k on engine at the time. There's really nothing to them. Just to give you another option.

12-15-2004, 19:28
#1 -thorough check for block cracks.
-block firedeck will need resurfacing {sanding?) for good headgasket seal
-check with Matt at Peninsular for great price on new, current production heads
-run splayed main caps
-i noticed that my old exhaust manifold was pitted on sealing surface, and didn't lineup/overlap well on new heads...i'm prolly goin to get new ex mans.