View Full Version : 6.2 Success!

09-04-2007, 17:53
Well, it took me almost a year and a half and a lot of reading on TDP, but I finally got to fire up my 6.2, and I gotta say I like it. :D Many thanks to everyone, I wouldn't have gotten this far without 'yall.

Only a few minor things remain before I transfer it from my test-stand to my project vehicle:

The IP is a new OH pump that's never been on this engine before. The engine was totally rebuilt (new timing set and injectors) and I'm looking for suggestions on base timing. I've read to adjust for a little rattle and easier starts. I'm one line-width ahead of the factory marks, and it seems to start ok, but it puffs blueish smoke at idle on a few cylinders.. do i keep advancing?

I received the block with a cracked outer starter bolt, thanks to a missing starter support bracket. I rebuilt the corner of the block with a MIG, then tapped and helicoiled it. It held for a few starts before it tore a larger chunk of block off the outer starter bolt... At this point if i just tap without rebuilding the corner with the OEM bolts, i'll only have a few threads catching... Should i rebuild the corner with the welder, or am i better off welding a stud into the block? Or should i just get longer bolts and tap into the remaining portion of the block? I've started it a few times with just the inner-bolt and the starter bracket, and now that I've noticed how much the starter bounces when it's cranking, I'm leery of starting it again, lest i tear the starter off completely... :confused:

Any suggestions? Thanks again.

09-05-2007, 20:02
Update: I tapped the starter bolt hole, and I'm catching half the threads on the OEM starter bolt, so I'm going to see what I can that's half an inch longer. I can't seem to put too much torque on the bolt though, or it starts to pull the helicoil out.

Taking a closer look at the starter though, I can see its been abused and it's probably thrown the gear alignment out... Using some washers I was able to shim the gaps and it seems to reduce the starter rocking, although I can't get any torque on the outer starter bolt (pulled the coil out).. Looks like it's time for a new starter :D