View Full Version : GM Parts Catalog on DVD????

12-13-2004, 16:08
I have seen listed on web sites GM Parts Catalog on DVD. Has anyone purchased one? If so where, how much, how well does it run on home computer? Thanks for info. Brent.

12-14-2004, 05:28
The latest GM parts software is called "Microcat", and it comes on two DVD's. For the official releases, a USB hardware lock is needed. It is not at easy or intuitive as the old parts imager software. But it runs fine off of a home pc (or laptop, in my case). Updates are released each month or so.

12-14-2004, 12:17
Is it possible to obtain a copy? I am not sure what a “USB hardware lock“ is? Can it be add to a system? I wouldn't need the updates I think, I am only looking for the diagrams and part numbers. Thanks for the help Brent