View Full Version : 98 just dies and starts back up usualy

12-13-2004, 15:53
Help 98 K1500 Driving down the road or sitting at an idle it is like the key was shut off. It usually starts back up but sometimes, and it is getting more frequent it has to wait before it will start. Cleaned all grounds, lift pump is working. 110,000 on original stock motor and IP.
Any ideas? Toying with either ing switch or FSD.

12-13-2004, 15:57
My truck had VERY similar symptoms. Ignition switch it was....


12-13-2004, 16:02
check out the "Stalls,glow plug" string, I have had the same issue, got some good advice. Mine is very inconsistant it has not stalled for over a week now.

12-13-2004, 16:49
Dennis what was the actual cure for your truck

12-13-2004, 16:56
No cure yet, been dealing with this for over a year. Cleaned and or replaced all grounds on truck and that seemed to make a difference. I can go for months without any stall and then it will stall 3 times a day for a week. My issue is it wont stay stalled, it usually starts right back up. I had it towed to a Mechanic one time when it stalled and would not re-start but when it got there it started right up and would not stall for him and he had it for a week. I really think it is in the wiring somewhere, loose connection. Ignition switch is a heavy favorite with the pmd a close second. I kinda wish it would just die so I can find the problem once and for all, the wife will not drive it till fixed. Good luck.

12-13-2004, 18:29
It is most likely the FSD but you can check the Ign. switch. Locate the pink wire from the Ign. Sw. and splice in a low wattage light bulb from the pink wire to ground and mount it were you can see it while driving. If the light goes out when the truck stops it is the switch if it remains on when the truck stops it is most likely the FSD.

12-14-2004, 04:46
what does the pink wire supply power to? ecm? Great advice, Thanks

12-14-2004, 08:46
Thanks Howie for the info on the bulb. Hate to spend $ for bad guesses. My bet is on the FSD as first thing in the morning when cold there is no prob at all. After running a while the prob comes up. I would have already gone for a switch if it would happen with a bump in the road, but it even happens just sitting parked and idoling.

12-14-2004, 15:54
Just like mine did, when the ignition switch was bad.... ;) Had nothing to do with "bumps" in the road.


12-15-2004, 05:31
TJ Did yours do it cold or after it was warm? It seams that when cold and for the first 15 min it is fine then the prob starts

12-15-2004, 05:36
Hey D,
It would do it right out of the garage and for the first 15-20 minutes. It wouldn't matter if I was driving to work and stoppped at a stoplight, or sitting outside idling. Sometimes it would immediately restart, other times it wouldn't. I ripped the old ignition switch apart to view it, and there are little contacts in there that were just toast after only 55,000 miles. After replacing my ignition switch, I notice faster cranking speed and higher volts on my volt-meter.

1998 K2500 6.5L Turbo Diesel

12-15-2004, 05:40
Check the ignition switch first, its free. But the symptoms are EXACTLY like mine, and it was immediately cured by a new FSD. While I was at it I installed the remote mount.

Good Luck.

12-15-2004, 16:03
Don't know if this makes a difference or not, but here are the following facts:

Our 1998 trucks use this ignition switch:

GM 26075995

JTodd's 96 uses:

GM 26036311

If you would have seen the contacts in my ignition switch on my 98, everyone would be replacing their ignitions every 50,000 miles. Like I said, the 2 different part numbers might not be any different at all. But, it does throw an additional variable in the equation.... ;)


12-16-2004, 05:25
Howie Reguarding the pink wire can I jump 12v to the wire if it dies to get home?
Thanks Dave

12-16-2004, 09:49
TJ I was doing some research and I find that the switch is the same in a diesel and a gas job. Seems a little strange to me. Any ideas. I got a Sub gas at the bonelard I do work at. I think I will pull it Sat and plug it in the next tile it burps.

12-16-2004, 11:31
Hey D,
I just pulled up the different years on Alldata. I didn't check the difference between gas and diesel. Shouldn't be much difference, really. Power on!