View Full Version : 6.2 Turbo no start.....

08-25-2007, 16:40
Last month, I swapped to a serpentine setup from a 93 6.5 on my 85 6.2 w/ Banks turbo.
Truck was driven to where it sits, but suspected the lift pump was going out. A friend came over and swapped it out while I was at work (I work away a month, then off a month) and now can't get the truck to crank. Have charged the batteries, have fuel to all injectors, and power to the IP.
Truck just cranks over with so sign of hitting. What am I missing? Just got home, and still have jetlag, so I'm sure I'm missing something simple. All imput is greatly appreciated.

08-25-2007, 18:18
does the engine crank over and just not start, or is the starter spinning and not cranking the engine?

08-25-2007, 18:35
Engine cranks over. Got fuel to the injectors, power to the pump, engine spinning at speed, just not hitting. Doesnt even seem to be attepting to try to start.

08-26-2007, 08:13
Make sure your glow plugs are working.

If your getting fuel at the squirts and there is still no fire then the next logical step is the glow plugs.

Does the wts light come on and then in a few seconds go off???

Let us know

08-26-2007, 09:36
If you are getting fuel to the cylinders and it doesn't try to fire, only one thing is missing. Heat. Either your compression is too low (doubtful they are all low, all of a sudden) or the glow plugs are not getting hot or hot enough. Even if your timing is so far out it won't run, it should still sound like it's trying, as long as there is fuel present.

Check for voltage at the plugs when the WTS lamp comes on. If it isn't coming on, that could be the root of the cause. Electrical connections, grounds, or a bad GP controller. If you are getting voltage to the GP's, check each for contiuity with a test lamp or meter. Open circuit is a bad plug. If the plugs check out OK (or at least some of them), try manually jumping the GP controller. If that works, replace the controller. The controllers for 85's are not very expensive. You can set up a manual switch for temporary (or permanent) use. If you are still using 9G plugs, don't ever glow them more than 8-10 seconds at a time, and replace them with later plugs at your soonest convenience.

If ether (starting fluid) has ever been used to start it, the GP's are likely toast. If they are 9Gs, it could be a lot of fun getting them out after ether is used.

09-10-2007, 05:23
OK, finally got to work on it again this past weekend and got it running. Got a friend over, bled the injectors again and got it cranked. Now I just need to extend the glow time, (quick heat plugs installed right before I got it).
Also seems to be running hotter than I like. Changed thermostat and all they had was a 195, would like to go back to a 180 or 160. Also thinking about pulling the old Banks unit off and using the setup from a 6.5. Any benefit to that? Or would that be another thread?

Thanks for all the help.'

09-10-2007, 06:52
A 180 is available for these.

If the stat is opening is the fan working??
How hot is it running?? and is the fan coming on?


09-10-2007, 08:07
What do you mean by "hotter than I like"? Heat isn't the problem, but controlling it can be. If it gets up to temp, whatever that is, and you are able to keep it there or from overheating, it's fine. Actually, hotter is better, for longevity and economy. If you need a cold stat to keep it from overheating, you have an issue that needs fixing. Also, the OEM gages aren't always near accurate. They are best used for trend tracking, rather than actual measurement.

09-10-2007, 10:37
Did you change the water pump when you changed the belt?

09-13-2007, 10:44
I put the 180 back in, and it is doing much better. With the 195, it was running 210-215 and climbing from there when you run it hard. Rad is new, water pump, fan clutch, etc, all new, (for serp setup) 50/50 anti freeze mix.
One other thing. Went the crank the next day, would not start. Getting fire to the glow plugs. Checked the plugs (SS Diesel QHs) and 6, yes 6 of the 8 were bad, with both test light, and volt/ohm meter! Put in AC60Gs, and It is running MUCH better. Thinking the glow plugs were most of the problem, temp and running wise. I posted a few months back about bad fuel mileage, and alot of black smoke when you got on it. Now just a puff until the turbo catches up. Can hear the turbo now too.
Hope I solved the problems. Thanks for all the help and patience. I don't get to work on my "toys" everyday, due to working overseas. Now to get the AC hooked up and charged. These 100 degree days don't help either.

Thanks again. Thats what makes this one of the best boards I visit.