View Full Version : Baldwin fuel filters, Made in China??

08-18-2007, 21:34
I picked up a Baldwin fuel filter yesterday for my LBZ and the box says "Made in China"
What's up with that?

08-19-2007, 06:26
just don't eat it. ;) you should be ok.

I thought they were all from the same mfr. the Racor I have says made is USA, and I thought they were all Racor, just rebadged. ??

08-20-2007, 06:37
Over the coming several years GM, Ford, etc. are going to buy hundreds of millions of $$ worth of new OEM parts from India, China, etc. The aftermarket will be the same. I am in Detroit working for a major automotive supplier and the 'Made in USA' days are over folks. Most of the major suppliers will be closing US plants and going overseas.

If you think GM is still 'buy American' you are kidding yourselves. Even the Allison innards can be made in China. Just cause its assembled here doesn't mean its all made here.

GM and Ford have to stop waving the flag, pure hypocrisy on their part.

08-20-2007, 08:48
Something that is new on new vehicles is a declaration that accompanies the window sticker. The declaration must state the country of origin of the major components, by %. Every vehicle sold in the US and Canada now has this (or supposed to), and a more detailed declaration (which includes all component parts) can be had from the dealer if the window sticker doesn't include enough info to suit you. If you are looking at a new vehicle and this sticker is not as visible as the MSRP sticker, or the dealer refuses to provide you with the detailed version, the dealer is in violation of a section of the Fair Trade Act.

08-20-2007, 11:13
I picked up a Baldwin fuel filter yesterday for my LBZ and the box says "Made in China"
What's up with that?

It used to be that all of the Dmax fuel filters were made by one mfr. recently more and more new versions are popping up. I'm sticking with the Baldwin. I've got great confidence in Baldwin, and have cut one apart to examine the construction. It is very well built. This is NOT built for Baldwin by a Chinese Company. It's built by Baldwin in a plant of theirs in China. I have had 2 issues with cracked cans, but they were covered by warranty and Baldwin has taken notice and adjusted their seaming process. I run these on my own trucks.

With all of the new ones coming, we have definitely seen some odd and questionable units. The latest one that I would like to see is the AC Delco blue unit that has the little ribs on it. Since there are so many mfrs tooling up for this piece, it really makes me nervous buying something that I haven't cut apart...

08-23-2007, 09:28
So, does that red paint have lead in it? I find myself chewing on the filter before I install it...

08-23-2007, 16:32

No, the red paint causes cancer or was that just the red m&m's? :confused:

I think toys made in china are great, where else can I get a wooden toy that a magnet will stick to.

I've seen the manufacturers statement of origin before that breaks down the country components and where they were put together.

Everything is going to China/India, besides where else can you get someone to work for $0.50/Day without medical coverage, pension, or other benefits.

The only question I have is that if it is not-profitable for Ford, GM, or Chrysler to build vehicle in the US, how can Honda, Toyota, and Mercedes-Benz do it? They keep moving factories here, while the big three keep outsourcing. I must be missing something...

Oh well, time to go out and enjoy driving my oversize, BioDiesel gulping, big honking, heavy hauling truck - to go the corner store to buy some milk...

G-d I love the USA...

08-24-2007, 08:30
So, does that red paint have lead in it? I find myself chewing on the filter before I install it...

I like to eat the rusty paint chips that fall off the old filter when I change it...

Mmmmmmm, paint chips....lots of iron

08-24-2007, 12:54
...The only question I have is that if it is not-profitable for Ford, GM, or Chrysler to build vehicle in the US, how can Honda, Toyota, and Mercedes-Benz do it? They keep moving factories here, while the big three keep outsourcing. I must be missing something......

That's simple. In Japan, Japanese manufacturers are expected to take care of their workers from the day they start to the day they die. In the US, US manufacturers are expected to take care of their workers from the day they start to the day they die....

08-24-2007, 17:36
That's simple. In Japan, Japanese manufacturers are expected to take care of their workers from the day they start to the day they die. In the US, US manufacturers are expected to take care of their workers from the day they start to the day they die....

Umm. I'm confused. The both are expected to take care of their workers from the day they start to the day they die? So how is it cheaper for the Japanese, European Manufacturers here?

08-26-2007, 10:09
Umm. I'm confused. The both are expected to take care of their workers from the day they start to the day they die? So how is it cheaper for the Japanese, European Manufacturers here?

unions driving the cost up..... how can GM pay worker to sit in a think tank and get nothing for there money ? IMHO unions are driving this country bankrupt , 90% of what was made in the US in the 1970~80 has moved overseas and it gets sent to us cheaper then we can make . Invest your money in large boat makers because there the only one makeing money ......... rant over , WAKE UP the white house , the ships sinking !

08-27-2007, 20:08
unions driving the cost up..... IMHO unions are driving this country bankrupt ,

Unions make up about 7% of the workforce in this country(mostly gov't jobs) and they are driving it to BK?????? Please!:rolleyes:
Even now that unions are pretty much on the way out, companies keep outsourcing all the work anyway. Jobs that were never, at anytime, union have been outsourced and continue to be so at staggering rates.
Kinda ironic that our country is being sold out to communist labor and people still blame the "socialist" unions, or what's left of them.
Time to look for a new scapegoat, cuz the "it's all the union's fault" horse has been flogged to death.