View Full Version : Dual Themostat Housing - how to remove?

08-14-2007, 04:35
I have a leak from the gasket of the dual thermostat housing where it bolts to the head above No. 1 piston. It seems the more I remove the more I have to remove from the engine to get to the bolts and nuts on the driver side (LHD) of the thermostat housing. :confused:
Alldatadiy is useless on this particular part as it can only give labour times etc. :(
I was looking for some instructions to make sure I am on the right track. I just hate removing more that I have to.
Mind you while I am at it I have the radiator out and am replacing all of the coolant and heater hoses. I had numerous small leaks at the connections. It finally got so bad I had to do something about it.:)

Any help would be appreciated. At least I don't have to pull out the heater Core!:)

08-14-2007, 06:27
Just be very carefull if you are replacing the heater hoses not to damage the heater core by pulling and twisting to get the old hoses off. Cut a slit lengthwise on the old hoses at the heater core to remove without damaging the dreaded heater core!

08-14-2007, 07:22
Thanks byte, done that.

I have unbolted a/c compressor and bracket from head and now in the process of unbolting Return line from injectors as it passes right over the top of the inside bolt holding housing to head. I am hoping this will move far enough out of the way to get to the bolt.

What thickness gasket material should be used for the gaskets? I will have to make my own.

BTW, I read somewhere in that head gasket replacement can be done in a weekend?:confused: I would be happy to get this job done in a couple of days!:)

08-14-2007, 10:09
Good Day!

"What thickness gasket material should be used for the gaskets?" The thermostats come each with its own "gasket", which is a removable rubber seal around the perimeter of each thermostat - there is no gasket between the two housings.

"Dual Themostat Housing - how to remove?" As I was installing dual 'stats on the 95 Sub, I asked myself the same question - how am I gonna get in here again? What I'm gonna do is install studs in the 1/2 that stays on the engine, just long enough to get nuts on the end. Then I'm gonna slot the bottom two holes in the removeable piece (the part with the big hose to the radiator) so that this part can be tipped into place. I don't know if this will work, but it seems like it'd be a LOT easier that what you're going through, plus maybe a guy can kinda visually see that the 'stats haven't moved from their proper place while tipping the housing into its place. We'll see... :eek:

Good Luck & Blessings!

08-14-2007, 15:34
Thanks moondoggie. I know you think you heard what you thought I said, but I 'm not sure you understand that what you heard was not what I mean't. :D(I think that's how it goes.) Sometimes It is hard to put into words what you want to say! I am trying to unbolt the entire dual thermostat assembly from the Left and Right Heads. I need to replace the gaskets between the Head on both sides of the Entire Thermostat assembly. The Thermostats can jolly well stay in the dark for now!

It seems to be a bigger job than I thought and yet head gaskets are supposed to take a weekend????

Two questions I would like to ask:-

1) does any one have any workshop manual step by step instructions they could pass on? Alldatadiy don't seem to have them for this particular job. probably because this is an everyday affair for a nation full of GM trucks. We don't have so many down under!:(

2) It will likely be cost prohibative to order some gaskets. Does anyone know the thickness of the gaskets and type of material used for the "housing to HEAD" gaskets.

Thanks guys and gals.

08-14-2007, 17:31

thanks for yer help.:)

08-14-2007, 18:16
The head gaskets are not just a material you can cut out.
Best way if you cant get a set down under would be to have a member here in the States get you a head set along with the rest of the gaskets and mail them over to you. Cant be that bad to send the stuff.

Felpro head gaskets are the best you can get. You will need a set of head bolts too as they are a one time use bolt.
Ebay is also a great shopping place for this sort of goods. ;)

If you want specific info I will be glad to type out a detailed PM to you and get you lined out on the procedure other than the little crap like draining the coolant. :D

Let me know


08-15-2007, 01:18
Thanks Robyn, It was just the thermostat housing to head gaskets I needed info on. I have chosen to go for 0.8mm (oops... what is that in inches?) thick gasket material.

If and when the heads need doing I'll let you know, but I am not expecting to have to do them any time soon since the Burb was made in Mexico.:rolleyes:

Have a great day!

08-15-2007, 09:35
Good Day!

"...where it bolts to the head..." If only I'd read what you wrote... :o


(signature in previous post)