View Full Version : Hey Guys, New here, Part Question.

07-29-2007, 20:00
Hey all, Im new to the forum, and I have a question about a part. My 90 6.2 sprung a massive fuel leak yesterday, the bleeder line, just under the bleed valve at the front of the engine next to the thermostat housing, blew a hole in itself through the old rotten rubber just below the pressed fitting of the bleed valve, so I try a quick fix by cuttin away the holy rubber and clamping it back down to the fitting, it kinda worked, it was dripping a little but not spraying like before, but while I was pullin on the crappy rubber line doing the repair I must have broke the line on the other end because now its pissin like crazy from the back of the engine.

So my question is what is the exact title of the whole line, or a GM part number if possible, I need to call around tomorrow and get a new one so I can change it out after work, I hope that I can get the line with the valve and everything it one setup.

Another question is where does it go? I thing it goes to the bottom of the fuel filter on the back of the engine, all I can see is it going under the intake and I lose sight of it after that, do im guessin thats where it ends up, thats gonna be a pain taking off the Intake and all that other junk.

Ahh, another Q for the 6.2 veterans. My engine runs (when up to temp) at around 213 degrees or so, is that too hot? I feel like it is and I dont wanna crack the heads, theres a screw coming out of the top of the thermostat housing, ive never seen that before, is it some sort of seasonal adjuster? Like if I unscrew it more it might unrestrict flow and run cooler? Im probably gonna throw in a new thermo tomorrow anyway just for kicks.

Sorry for the long post, and all the questions.

07-29-2007, 20:57
Welcome to the Forums!

That part isn't really a part. It's a hose, and can be replaced by some more hose. It is the water/sediment drain for the fuel filter, and connects to the bottom of the fuel filter housing. No rocket science there. Keep it simple, and get some fuel line to replace it with.

First off, don't read too much into what your OEM GM gages tell you. They are notoriously inaccurate, but should be consistent. They are best used for tracking trends. 213

07-29-2007, 20:59
First off

The line that runs to the bottom of the filter is just small fuel line that you can buy anywhere.

Best thing to do is yank out the filter and both the lines. (drain line and fuel feed to the IP)
Get some new stuff and with a small screw in the end to keep the crap out thread them down under the manifold and then reconnect everything.
Now if you want to make things a lot better you can toss the old filter and replace it with a Racor #230R2 unit and mount it up front on a little bracket.
The factory filter is a 10 micron and the Raycor is 2 micron. The factory unit will keep out rocks and dead birds but not much in the way of the fine stuff that will ruin the IP.

You can install a 180F stat and that will cool the little beast off a bunch.

OH you dont have to pull the intake if you decide to keep the original filter. Just unhook the feed line and remove the 2 bolts that hold the filter to the manifold. You can then get the filter out and then rip the old lines out.
I just did the conversion on my 95 and it "HAD" the same basic little round filter.

The new hoses can be snaked down under the manifold easily enough, just be sure to plug the ends when you shove them in to keep them clean.

Good luck and hope this helps

Any time you have ????????? just ask us. :)


07-30-2007, 21:16
Hey all, I didnt have time this mornin to go online and check the responses, but I got on the trucka after work and figured all this out on my own, (it was at the wifes uncles house, 3 towns over), I guess Im not as confused as I thought, thank god I didnt have to pull the Intake, it was quite a fight tho, to get that water drain line off of the filter housing, it had slack, but the line to the IP was exact length, so I had to pull on the housing just to get 1 inch to work with, thank the lawd all that pullin didnt break the IP line as well, its pretty rotten and old too.

Robyn, thanks for the intel, I will order that Racor as soon as I can. I have the square box filter that aint worth a damn anyway, you cant beat a Racor. I have a Racor 1000, but its too big to fit under there, and not quite neccessary for diesel. Nor are my Fleetguard heated elements. Im savin them all for OIL. Thanks for the help, I may ask for more, but I hope not.
Diesel Forever!

07-30-2007, 21:27
Oh yeah, I found out what the screw on the thermo housing was, while the engine was running I loosened it, and got sprayed in the eye with coolant through a small hole in the side. Groucho Marx musta put that there.

07-30-2007, 22:20
Oh yeah, I found out what the screw on the thermo housing was, while the engine was running I loosened it, and got sprayed in the eye with coolant through a small hole in the side. Groucho Marx musta put that there.
Oh yeah.....The coolant bleeder. Sounds like yours is working just fine. I think the 'Stooges beat Groucho to that one. "Get the hammer....When I nod my head, you hit it....." (one of my all time favorites)

07-31-2007, 19:50
Well, since I bled a lil coolent (tryin to figure out what the screw was) now the engine runs cooler, a few ticks under the halfway point (210), Wierd things happen, im gonna throw in the new thermostat anyway.

11-02-2007, 16:51
Hey Robyn, Could you give me some info on switchin to that racor filter assembly? There are wires coming out of my old filter assembly, im guessin its a pressure sensor or somethin, will the racor have this, can I order a racor for my specific application?