View Full Version : Intercooling a K1500

Turbine Doc
10-18-2003, 14:00
Spent the after noon with my ISP and debugged my webpage so all the photos show now. The web link below is how I fitted a Kennedy/Spearco big IC in a K1500 according to instructions not supposed to fit but with enough stick to it and a little help from my friends as the song goes I was able to make a successful go of it.


patrick m.
10-18-2003, 19:13
very nice work, and very nice report.
i have the same I/C. the only trouble i had was that the tubes were labled wrong.

since it was designed for 2500/3500, all i had to do was figure out how the pipes actually fit.

Turbine Doc
10-19-2003, 06:07
My tubes were labeled incorrectly as well, as I said in one of my comments, Spearco may build a good IC, they sure have to do some work in the tubing dept.