View Full Version : 2002 K2500HD rear leaf springs shot - replacement?

Mark Rinker
07-15-2007, 12:56
The title says it all. Looking for a stock or slightly heavier replacement. Any suggestions? Kit needs to include new U-bolts, mounting hardware, etc.

07-15-2007, 23:35
The title says it all. Looking for a stock or slightly heavier replacement. Any suggestions? Kit needs to include new U-bolts, mounting hardware, etc.

I suppose you have rejected the idea of a visit to the junk yard to find your model that was driven by someone who was unlucky or inattentive...

Your other option, if the springs are just a little tired...:D

Mark Rinker
07-16-2007, 16:11
Hey Paul - yes, I have considered a set of springs off a wreck. Probably the most practical idea.

Since this truck tows daily, with a bumper hitch style trailer, the rear springs really get a workout.

I guess my thought is to find something a step better than OEM, but realize that often the OEM parts are pretty doggone good. These went over 200K and the truck has been working hard its whole life.

07-16-2007, 21:03
Maybe find a 3500 and get the overloads off of it. I saw a 3500 SRW a couple days ago and it had the normal spring pack with a single overload leaf on top. That would be a good step up I'd guess.

07-22-2007, 08:10
Mark you already hit the nail on the head , OEM parts are really hard to beat the quality ! yes you could find a set of aftermarket soft ride spring but thats not what you need. get a set of 2006 ~07 low miles take off and put a set of good shocks with airlift bags for those times your over weight and call it done. the truck isnt going to last much more then 400000 miles so isnt that the last time your going to deal with springs ????