View Full Version : Is there a way to disable automatic door locks on 2007?

07-10-2007, 07:03
I just took delivery of a 2007 Silverado 2500HD. I am REALLY annoyed by the automatic door locks and there doesn't seem to be any way to disable them. I have gone into the DIC and there are only two options: lock at speed; lock on taking out of park. No where is there the option to do nothing.

Has anyone found a way to disable this?

I can't live with a vehicle that locks me inside. If I can't disable this, the truck goes back.

07-10-2007, 09:58
If it's the Classic, look in the manual, page 122 and 123.

07-10-2007, 12:11
I think your dealer shoul be able to disable that feature. I know people that had it disabled in 03-05 models. My service writer said they couldn't do it but he is seldom right.

07-10-2007, 18:06
Use the information button on the steering wheel and scroll through to the "Vehicle Settings." Youll see where you have that preference of option. The readout for this is on the middle instrument gauge where one typically sees the odometer.

07-10-2007, 21:13
It is no longer possible to disable the locks in the personalization settings like you could in past models. It is for your "safety" I don't care for it either.

07-11-2007, 09:41
I confirmed with GM that there is no way for the end-user to defeat the automatic door locks in an '07 Silverado. You get the choice of two options:

1) SHIFT OUT OF PARK (default): The doors will automatically lock when the vehicle is shifted out of park.

2) AT VEHICLE SPEED: The doors will automatically lock when the vehicle speed is above 8 mph for three seconds.

My dealer was able to reprogram the Body Control Module computer to get around this. Here is what the technician did:

* downloaded the factory code from the BCM to a hand-held programming box (think he called it a TECH-II)

* modified the "factory settings" such that both auto door lock options are OFF

* uploaded the code back to the BCM

Now, when I view the auto door lock options from the DIC, both options are off. I was told that if I inadvertently select either of them, the only way to turn the auto lock feature off again is to load the FACTORY SETTINGS which is the last menu item available on the DIC.

07-11-2007, 12:53
I confirmed with GM that there is no way for the end-user to defeat the automatic door locks in an '07 Silverado. ....

Nutn' but GMC... :D

I promise the GMs do it, unless I have misinterpreted what I am seeing. I'll look again. I have had the truck for two days and looked in it twice.