View Full Version : New 07 Navigation Issues

07-01-2007, 12:54
Have any of you figured out that your navigation is off by as much as 500 meters.
I just bought 2 new vehicles 07 Denali and 07 Sierra both have the same nav.systems and both are off the same.
I don`t know about everyone else but I didnot pay this kind off $$$ X 2 for a nav system that the best it can do is get you within 2-4 blocks of a address instead of the correct address.
After testing my vehicles the dealer has came up with that every nav disc that GM has out for these newer vehicles appear deffective/off.
But GM nav center at this time is just shrugging their shoulders they have not had enough complaints and they appear not to be concerned.
We traded in a 06 Denali that the nav worked perfect.
I`m asking if you find yours is off as well,start making some noise,because you have spent $$$ for something that is defective as well.

07-02-2007, 16:00
I guess some is not interested in this issue.
I had copied and pasted what I wrote here and sent to GM customer service as well.
I got a call today from GM nav center admitting the nav disc is not completely compatible with all new radio/nav on all new vehicles.
A new updated disc will be out late July-Aug that will correct the problem and you can order one,but it will count against one of your free updates.
I don`t think so!
Your dealer should make good on this as well when the new disc is available.
That is if anyone is interested.

07-04-2007, 15:08

I agree with you on it being off and I can't wait for the updated disc to come out.

Does you nav unit give you the NOT SIGN over the GPS LOGO often? That is my main problem. I start up and if the NOT SIGN is over it, the NAV never comes back. I shut the truck off, go shopping, and come back and it is fine for awhile.

Now, I can't get the darn not sign to go away... It is always there. ARGHHHH! I'll make a complaint to the dealer as well. I doubt that two people complaining will stir anything up, but at least it is a start.

07-04-2007, 18:39
As I read these posts I wondered what data base GM is using. Re-Magellan, Garman or Tom Tom. Anybody know?

07-07-2007, 06:41
An old one that is for sure... I read the disc and the software copyright is 2006 and the map data copywright was 2005. This is in a 2007.5 LMM truck.

On the DVD verbatim "2006 DENSO Corporation, 2005 Tele Atlas North America, Inc., Data by InfoUSA (C) 2005. All Rights Reserved. Made in Japan :eek: .

I still can't figure out why sometimes I start the truck and I have GPS signal and sometimes I start it and I don't. Truck hasn't even been moved. I have not encountered this issue with any other vehicle...

07-07-2007, 08:27
I encountered a problem with the A2 in that it can't be updated. It is a Tom Tom data base. I sent away for the updated CD only to find out that its software package is not compatiable. I was ticked when I was told that I couldn't send it back for a refund because I had removed the disc from the package. Dah. They told me that Edge has to make the changes on their end.
I can't help you on the intermittant hook ups on your built in nav system. I do think it sucks that they would put an old data base in a brand new truck thought.

07-07-2007, 16:38

I agree with you on it being off and I can't wait for the updated disc to come out.

Does you nav unit give you the NOT SIGN over the GPS LOGO often? That is my main problem. I start up and if the NOT SIGN is over it, the NAV never comes back. I shut the truck off, go shopping, and come back and it is fine for awhile.

Now, I can't get the darn not sign to go away... It is always there. ARGHHHH! I'll make a complaint to the dealer as well. I doubt that two people complaining will stir anything up, but at least it is a start.

We don`t get the NO GPS unless we are in the garage or under a awning,
but that is one of the issues caused by the out dated disc.
There is not only 2 complaints there are several hundred and this headach is just starting for GM nav center if I can help.

This is why we the consumers need to stay on GM and demand that they replace the disc with good faith and not go against our free upgrades as they would like this to happen.

Gm should have tested the disc with the new radio/nav system they put in these not so cheep priced vehicles and try to weasle away with no harm no foul thoughts.

07-08-2007, 04:28
My NO GPS seems very intermittant, maybe a loose connection or a defective antennae... Sucks to be off like this just before my long distance drive up the East Coast.

IF the dealer can't figure it out when I bring it in after I get back. My next step was going to be putting an aftermarket antennae on. The radio has a standard GPS Antennae hook-up and they are not that expensive.

I changed my wife's radio to a factory NAV radio out of a European Touraeg and you have to add an aftermarket GPS Ant. to it. She seems to never lose signal and her antennae is on the DASH. (The unit itself is not that great, it is not touch screen and a PITA to enter address info into it)

Where did you call to complain about the NAV? I'll call too...

07-11-2007, 18:50
I first called the GM nav customer service which was like talking and explaining something to a 2 year old.
Then I e-mailed GM Customer service which is on the GM New SUV-Truck web page and sent what I stated here on my first post.
GM CS called me and hooked me up with someone higher up in the nav center that was willing/forced now to listen.
He then checked with management/enginners and they admitted that every disc`s out there is not completly compatiable with the new radios/nav`s in the newer 07`s like yours and mine and thousands of others.
Your Onstar-XM radio and the nav all 3 use the same antenna,which if you have tinted windows they are quick to try blaming that.
Which is bull now from the location the On star-XM-GPS one antenna is at the top left corner of the cab.
The issues range from what I`m dealing with to the extreem in what you are dealing with.
And most employees at all the dealers are on the same page as the regular nav C.S. department, which is,me no nothing you have a good disc.

07-19-2007, 08:05
WOW, I was thinking I wanted a factory Nav system. Now I think I'm glad I have the pioneer in-dash aftermarket one instead. Can you add a rear back up camera to the factory unit and can you watch a DVD on it ? We are able to share our rear overhead dvd player with the front nav screen and visa versa. A dvd can be played in either one. I like the looks of the factory unit better though. I hope you guy's get taken care of GM. I woder who really builds the units?

07-19-2007, 15:55
They state after the new disc comes out the end of July-August it should solve the issues.
Which the part that fuels me is the Nav center wants to have the new proper disc count as one of the free up-grades.
This will not happen as far as I`m concerned and will speak my mind until this is done right by me and who ever else has guts to complain.

07-20-2007, 06:51
WOW, I was thinking I wanted a factory Nav system. Now I think I'm glad I have the pioneer in-dash aftermarket one instead. Can you add a rear back up camera to the factory unit and can you watch a DVD on it ? We are able to share our rear overhead dvd player with the front nav screen and visa versa. A dvd can be played in either one. I like the looks of the factory unit better though. I hope you guy's get taken care of GM. I woder who really builds the units?

Yes you can add a rear-back-up camera and can watch DVD's from the factory rear DVD player on the front screen. You will need to spend $249 from CoastalEtech to do it.

BTW, D_R_C have you noticed that some street detail has been lost? I was able to drive my 2005 GMC Denali with factory navigation directly to a family members house in rural GA, this new one I get the "street detail is not available in this area, please use straight line navigation..." error.

07-22-2007, 06:32
Thanks, I thought maybe you could. I would be willing to bet that pioneer or kenwood or alpine or someone like that might build the factory units for GM. Or maybe even coastal/etech ?
It be interesting to know.

08-26-2007, 11:24
Hi Guys I have noticed that mine is off as well. I have an Acura navi that is a year and a half older and has never been off.

Any idea on who to complain to in Canada? I thought I was the only one with a slight error, but obviously not. I agree, GM should offer this as a fix to an existing problem, not an upgrade!:mad:

08-27-2007, 19:30
Hi Guys I have noticed that mine is off as well. I have an Acura navi that is a year and a half older and has never been off.

Any idea on who to complain to in Canada? I thought I was the only one with a slight error, but obviously not. I agree, GM should offer this as a fix to an existing problem, not an upgrade!:mad:

Your dealer,this is the only way to get the new disc that came out 7-31-07 without counting against 1 up-grade.
Good luck though my dealer is dragging their feet.
They was suppose to order mine (2) on 8-02-07 and still no show as of 8-27-07,if the GM nav center sends you one it would arrive in 1 week.
My dealers service in Ariz. has been rendered useless anyway,the techs cannot and will not repair anything,ANYTHING unless there is a trouble code.
And they feel no need to up-date themselves on any new vehicles,engines,electrical,etc.etc until a issue shows up then they spend most of a day researching on what to do,then try to figure how to repair that issue the next day.

Sad,very sad on how this GM dealer operates.

09-05-2007, 05:10
Any luck on getting the problems solved yet ?

09-15-2007, 16:02
NO! My dealer is dragging their feet on replacing the nav disc`s and they have been out since 7-31-07.and their service dept is not much quicker.

My next step is a complaint to GM on this dealership over several issues.

Heck,I had to take my wifes Denali to another dealership for a voltage problem issue that these idiots could not find over 2 visits and 6 days,telling me it was operating normal. (NOT)
The other dealership found and repaired the problem.

What make me real pissed off is,I bought 2 vehicles totalling $110,000.00 from them at the same time and now this dealership is rendered useless after the sale.

09-17-2007, 16:54
SO new disc out. Great, hopefully that fixes the problems. I doubt I will be able to have it not count against the free updates...

I did notice as well that we lost some street level detail. I re-read this thread and I came back a month or so ago from GA and I was able to drive to relatives house without a problem in my 2005 Denali XL and the truck driving ot the same place advised that there was no street detail and to use straight line navigation, etc. etc... Kinda ticked me off...

Ohh well, this is still MUCH better than having nothing, but it would be nice if it worked at least as well as an OLDER truck with an OLDER unit and an OLDER NAV DISC. (That one had 2003 map data)

Your dealership experience tells me it is time to find and buy your cars from another dealer. Although the dealer I use for service (and I like them) is WAAAAYYY too expensive to buy from. They almost always want MSRP (minus rebates) and won't budge. Hard to justify spending an extra 4-5K just to buy from them.

Our next hurdle will be if GM strikes...

09-18-2007, 10:02
Will the older disk from your other vehicle work in your new nav unit? If it does, I would try to make a copy of it and use it. If it has better detail.

09-30-2007, 14:42
I finally got the new up-dated nav disc that came out 7-31-07 from my dealer 9-29-07.
It is no better on address`s than the nav disc that came with my new truck,every address is about 150'-200' off.
Which is somewhat of a disapointment compairing the factory nav on the vehicles we traded in,which they was right on where ever we went.
Actually what I have found is most of the house numbers on the new disc don`t even exist on the streets we are on.

10-02-2007, 09:35
Did anyone try the older Nav disk from the earlier sytem yet? It might work and give the detail you want. I'm sure you guy's know this already, in my experiences most of the time if a nav system isn't putting you within 30' of the info on the screen when it has a good signal and enough sats, it's usually the software.. We run two garmins with Delormes software, one earthmate/Delormes and two pioneer in dash units with whoever pioneers nav disk are.
They are really accurate 98% of the time. But they will run you around casey's barn if you ask for a route sometimes.
Good luck and let me know how you make out with the problem.

10-20-2007, 12:56
Yes on the older disc for 06,it won`t work on the new system.

10-20-2007, 17:42
Too bad doesn't work, it sounds like the older disk had more detail. It would seem like the software company for GM rushed to get the corrected disk out quickly and shortcut some of the features. Maybe they will come up with another updated/better version in the future.

10-29-2007, 20:02
Hear`s another strike for the new GM navigation.
I just bought a Magellan Crossover GPS for my Motorhome and my Geo Tracker when we travel in the M.H.
Also I use it for my Polaris/Sandrail when we are out in the forest or the dunes.
The $400 Magellan Crossover is dead nuts on the location v.s. the $2,000 GM nav. in my Sierra-$3500 GM nav + in my wifes Denali.
This is really sad and disappointing for us putting out the kind of $$$ for 2 factory navigation systems, that is sub par in operation v.s. a $400 portable system.

11-14-2007, 13:12
D_R_C and others. I just called GM NavDisk center and I am getting the new "2008" DVD... Hope this helps out.

I will let you know when I get it and if it fixes some of our previous issues...

01-07-2008, 23:01

I saw on your vehicle description you installed the Coastal Etech GM lockpick. How is that working for you? Sounds like a great idea.

BTW, did you get the new 2008 disk yet? Let us know if it is working any better for you. I hope it corrects the problems we've all been seeing.



02-09-2008, 14:47

I saw on your vehicle description you installed the Coastal Etech GM lockpick. How is that working for you? Sounds like a great idea.

BTW, did you get the new 2008 disk yet? Let us know if it is working any better for you. I hope it corrects the problems we've all been seeing.



I got the new so-called updated nav disc`s for both vehicles and they did NOT correct the issues.
All they did was add more info to a disc that was already off and made it off even more.

And trying to convince anyone at the GM nav center this, is not a easy task.
Because we are mortal humans that don`t know much of anything of this nature,this is what they believe anyway .
I finally was able to speak to a supervisor and I think I convinced her,but all she would do was offer one more free up-date,and say she is sorry for the issues.

I did suggest one thing to the supervisor,would someone please take a baseball bat and knock the idiot up side the head.
The one that is responsable for programming these GM nav disc`s,
without correcting them in advance.

Because I think most of us know what we are doing,especially when we are at the wrong location compaired to what the factory high $$$ GM navigation say`s we are at.