View Full Version : Parking brake light

06-26-2007, 16:49
I noticed that my parking brake light has been staying on. Not a flashing light as if the parking brake was engaged, but a solid light. I have tried unhooking my batteries and it still comes back on. Any suggestions? I am clueless.


06-26-2007, 18:54
Does it chime when you drive? If it doesn't chime, and isn't flashing, it isn't the parking brake switch. More likely you have a brake fluid level or pressure sensor sounding off. Check your brake fluid level and for any leaks in the brake system. If the master cylinder is failed/failing, the pressure differential will trip a sensor. If you have access to a dirt road, try a hard braking test (low speed, forward and reverse) to confirm the front and rear are braking evenly. Pull the ABS fuse (ABS lamp will stay on) so you get full braking pressure. The loss of rear brakes can be subtle, unless loaded or towing. It could also be a failed sensor or poor connection.

06-26-2007, 22:29
The parking brake light is not flashing and it is not chiming. I have checked the fluid level and it is full. No leaks have be noticed. I will pull the ABS fuse and try some hard braking tomorrow, dirt road access is less than 1/4 mile away.
