View Full Version : Major power loss

06-24-2007, 11:53
Helping the father in law move yesterday and just bairly made it to his house. I lost power quickly to the point where there was very little acceleration. I can start it but need to keep my foot on the pedal. I'm hoping its just the fuel filter but I've never changed the filter before...has anyone posted good instructions in the past or know a link that could help me, thanks in advance, Liam

06-24-2007, 19:00
If you have never done it and it has many miles since you have owned it its a good bet.

The filter is on the pass side firewall.
The filter is easy to get off. Its the square box with the two little clamps that hold it on.

Unsnap the filter and slide it toward you to remove. Slide the new one on and resnap the hooks.
Open the air bleed up on top and fit a small hose to the little bleed tube that comes off the filter and run the hose into a can or bottle.

Now unplug the large pink wire from the front of the Injector pump. This will stop the rig from trying to run and sucking in a bunch of air.
Now with a helper turn the engine over until fuel flows freely from the tube without air bubbles.

Close the valve, hook up the pump wire and start the truck. Job done.

Good luck


06-24-2007, 22:19
Thanks I'll give that a try, you make it sound easy enough...Liam

06-27-2007, 22:01
So I changed the fuel filter which was super easy, thanks for the help, unfortunately that wasn't the problem. The truck will start easy but has no power, why do I feel like it must be the pump...will barely crawl around with a lot of smoke, any ideas????? I will probably need to take it to a shop but I'd prefer to buy parts online instead of paying shop prices...thanks for any help...Liam

06-28-2007, 14:55
The truck will start easy but has no power, why do I feel like it must be the pump...will barely crawl around with a lot of smoke, any ideas?????

What color smoke?

If white, I'd venture to say that the IP has failed.

If Black, it could be the EGR system (if equipped), but it sounds like it's very underpowered, so this may not be it either.


06-28-2007, 19:14
The smoke is very white...How difficult is it to change the pump? Can a person with decent mechanical abilities change this out? Is there any supplier in particular I should research? thanks again...Liam

06-29-2007, 08:41
You can do it yourself.

The first step will be to remove the old pump to have it rebuilt.

The only special tools you'll need will be a 5/8" crows foot, or buy the set (Sears sells them).

A tricky part of the pump removal will be to remove the Pump's drive bolts, which are inside the timing cover. Just remove the oil filler tube, and get access to them one at a time, then rotate the engine (perferably by hand) to get to the next one, till you get all three.

From there, you can remove the pump by removing lines, mounting bolts, and electrical connections.

Keep it all clean, cap off injectors and keep dirt out of the system.

Several shops will rebuild these pumps. Open up the phone book and source one locally, look under Diesel Injection or close to it.

If not locally, you can pack it up and ship it to a rebuilder of your choice.

Check out the Venders section of this site.

I've heard good things about www.accuratediesel.com


06-29-2007, 10:00
Once again everyone has been very helpful, thank you for the support...Liam