View Full Version : Injector knock

10-16-2003, 18:20
I have in my brand new reman 6.5TD a knock which is believed to be injector related,can anyone explain to me how an injector can develop such a loud knock and what is the usual cause? can it be air related? I haven't yet but I can bleed all the injectors if necessary.
Any thoughts?.........Merle

10-16-2003, 19:04
Merle, you want an answer from Damork, but this may help meanwhile.
If the injector sprays a fine mist, the combustion goes as engineers designed. Old , worn injectors don't atomize fuel as well--the charge doesn't ignite as soon as it should, and once it begins it goes to completion in remaining interval--result is a louder 'knock' than optimal/design.
If a dirt particle moves down injector's fuel pipe into injector(as, following assembly, new engine begins life) and lodges in injector nozzle, the result can be a stream rather than atomised mist. Here again, the combustion can be delayed/abrupt....worse, the spray can act like a torch, burning through piston and rings{saw result in an injector shop--1/2" hole thru edge piston where ring was}.
Not to alarm. I only mention as an aid to troubleshoot!

10-17-2003, 02:49