View Full Version : connector?

05-26-2007, 15:00
I was looking under my truck today and noticed a connector hanging down from my tranny. I dont know how it became disconnected since I havent taken the tranny out. However, my dad did have the rear main done in the ghetto by a couple illegal aliens while I was away. Where does it go? Theres one connector plugged in on the drivers side and this one hanging on the passager side. I've tried searching around with a mirror and a flashlight but I'm getting annoyed. Tranny is a hydraulic controlled 700r4. Thanks.

<a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f388/paulab831/connector.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>

05-26-2007, 15:01

05-26-2007, 20:02
Backup lights or TC lockup to brake switch in cab

05-26-2007, 21:59
I do believe that is the T case connector plug.

Check your T case on that same side of the truck and I'll bet you will find its home.


05-27-2007, 17:08
Thanks! I'll check it out.