View Full Version : Some TV Cables Adjusters Different?

05-04-2007, 07:08
Yesterday when I got to work the trans. acted weird - it wouldn't shift out of 1st. First time it's done this. Lately I have had an issue where it won't downshift with more throttle after an upshift.

I've read about tv cables and there associated problems so I thought I would try to adjusting it first.

I've read there should be a 'D' button on the bracket where it mounts to the back of the engine, but mine doesn't seem to have any such button to push? The only thing I've found to adjust is a 'clamp' for the cable that mounts next to the black plastic eyelet that hooks to the throttle rod to the IP.

I was able to tighten the cable coming from the trans. This did seem to restore my shifting but it still will not downshift after and upshift even when flooring the throttle, so I'm thinking it still needs adjusting.

Anyone seen this kind of tv cable setup or am I just not finding the button to push so the cable will self-adjust.

Thanks. Joe.

05-04-2007, 07:14
The adjustment on everyone I have seen is back by the firewall where the cable fastens to the rear bracket.

The idea is to push the lock in and slide the cable housing to the rear as dar as it will go.
Now you just get in and mash the throttle to the floor and the cable will self adjust.

If TV is set properly you should be able to get a 2-1 down shift after a light throttle upshift by simply stomping it.

If you cant you need more TV and if the cable wont adjust there is a problem elsewhere.

Hope this helps

05-04-2007, 09:48
I think the "D" is the button on the TV cable adjuster.


05-04-2007, 12:48
Granted, it's kind of hard to see/get back there, but I haven't found any button to push.

Should it be on the side or top of the black plastic bracketed piece?

Thanks again.

05-04-2007, 13:49
Facing upward, I guess it's possible that it's installed in the bracket upside down.

Perhaps I can scrounge up a picture tonite of one of mine.


05-07-2007, 07:29
It conveniently (not) faces directly downward...

I was able to 'pop it up' - unlock it, and slide the cable sheath backward. I floored the pedal and the sheath didn't move at all. Should the lock remain undone while you do this? I tried it both ways and it didn't seem to matter.

At any rate, the trans. seems to be shifting a little better - now I'm getting a 4-3 and 3-2 downshift, but still no 2-1 downshift. It seems like part of the problem is that the TCC locks with the 1-2 upshift and won't unlock when you floor it. The trans. has been rebuilt and maybe that the way it's setup? It sure seems to lug the engine under light throttle.

Sorry for more ?s. Thanks, again.

05-07-2007, 07:52
To have the TV set right the acid test is to get a 2-1 forced downshift right after a light throttle 1-2 upshift.

What this means is you need more TV pressure.

Cable is still too loose.

You may need to replace the cable.

Check all the connections of the cable at the IP and such to make sure all is well.

The TV is the achiles heel of the 700R4. If not adjusted properly, has/does and will cause premature failure of the tranny.

The TV is responsible for controlling throttle pressure.
Throttle presure controls how much line pressure is applied to all the shift components during applications.

To much pressure and the shifts are terribly hash, and too little and the shifts will be soft, mushy and cause clutch and band burnup.

Find the issue and fix it.

If need be you may have to pull the pan and check the TV linkage inside the tranny.

Any good tranny book specific to the 700 will show how this is done.
Too entailed for me to describe here.

My posts get long, but to describe this would take 4 pages. :D

*** Just a thought here***

Get a helper and have them mash the throttle, now see if you can pull the TV cable itself out any further. If you can, make whatever changes in the cable adjustment needed to get this additional pull.

Be sure the cable has a little slack with the throttle closed though.

Good luck and let us know.
