View Full Version : Ziebarting a 99 Sub?

08-29-2003, 06:02
Is rust protection necessary on a 99 Sub in KY? I bagan having memories of my 90 two rust throughs and don't want a repeat. I plan on keeping this one for a long time.

Johnny B.
08-29-2003, 09:48
Read the warranty real good, I believe that you have to have the vehicle inspected and treated every year. My wife had a car Ziebarted before we got married and I think it was about $175-200 to get checked every year. Personally I think the rust coatings miss areas that are prone to rust such as the underside of doors where the skinn folds up. If they miss a spot the coating can actually miss a spot leaving the missed area a low spot where moisture can sit and not drain.

I'm not a fan of extended warranties and would classify this as an extended warranty. I think the bigger issue is to wash the salt and other de-icers off your vehicle and its underside as soon as possible.

Either way rustproofing or not its a gamble in my book.

08-29-2003, 10:53
Invest in a garage or carport of somekind. Compared to the cost of a vehicle it is a small investment. Some of the portable sided carports are very resonable about $1000. I have a 91 c1500 that has been in a sided car port every since it was new. I also have a '91 S-15 Jimmy (they're prone to more rust) that has been kept in the garage. The c1500 has 145,000 miles and the Jimmy has 215,000 miles driven in So. IL (they like to use salt). Neither vehicle has any rust on them even though the paint has a lot of chips. We live on a gravel road. The Carport also does a lot to keep the sun from damaging the vehicle and it is more comfortable to get into when its hot and there is no ice to scrape.

The price vehicles are these days it just doesn't make any sense not to have some place inside to put your vehicle.

08-29-2003, 11:44
I agree with Johnnie B.

At this point, you might end up spraying over a rust spot and trapping moisture and rust to eat away at your truck under the rustproofing. Additionally, these companies don't always hire the most diligent employees, and if drain holes, particularly in the doors, get plugged with the stuff, you will have a bigger problem than you tried to cure.

I live in New England, and I find that a good hot water spray rinse from one of those do it yourself car wash bays, sometimes weekly, will do the trick. They are only a couple of bucks. Biggest problem is the 4 inch thick layer of ice in the bays when it is really cold out. I have seen cars get trapped in them!

08-29-2003, 14:45
If any road salt is added during the winter time, than it is very beneficial to use a rustproofing treatment every year.

It is better for you to pressure wash the excess dirt before the treatment. This will save you on repairs in under the vehicule components, and add vehicule value, and longevity.

I live in the Montreal area, and have kept my Suburban long enough to see the damages if I even skip the rust treatment only one year.