View Full Version : To connect a backup manual glow plug relay....

04-11-2007, 18:09
...... what kind of relay should I buy.......

...... and do I just add it in parallel across the automatic relay?

Hi All:

I'm tired of trying to chase down this hot start problem that only happens under certain conditions when the engine has cooled down a bit but it's still hot out and the glow plugs don't fire....... so I want to just put a manual glow plug relay on as a backup for those occasions. (The van starts easily when the relay fires the glow plugs, hot or cold)

So I have heard reference many have made to having a manual glow plug switch as a backup, even with a properly functioning automatic system, but can't find reference to what relay folks are using - for me in the moment, it needs to be something easily available from ordinary parts houses or online.

And, do I just simply wire it up across the in and out posts on the factory relay? (Adding the momentary switch, of course)

Thanks for any guidance - with hot temps approaching and me out in the Southwest right now, this is something I'd like to get to stop hassling me pronto - it only happens once in a while, but it's on my mind everytime I park in a hot place.


04-13-2007, 01:18
the relay under the hood that feeds power to the GP's will have two small terminals on it. one will be hot and the other will be for ground. take a multimeter to them, with the key off. If one is hot then the relay is a switched ground, if they are both dead its a switched positive.
My truck is a switched ground so yours should be as well.
simply wire up a 15amp rated switch to the small ground terminal and hook the other wire from the switch to a good ground.

thats it.