View Full Version : turbo life expectancy-"94"

04-05-2007, 12:27
generally speaking how many miles can you expect the turbo to last?

04-05-2007, 13:04
Usually, throughout the life of the engine...

The turbo as an assembly (CHRA, wastegate flapper/bushing) should last around 150-200k miles, if shutdown and allowed to cool properly after hard use.

Oil quality and air quality among other things weigh into the life of the turbo...


04-05-2007, 13:35
My 94 has 255K on it now and it is the original and was only apart to clean things at 240K during the overhaul.

As John says, clean oil, clean air and a proper cool down will really help the life span.

At 255K Im not complaining


04-05-2007, 14:55
Thanks for the infor.-sounds like I don't need to worry about it for awhile

04-06-2007, 10:12
Depends on how the truck is used, as a grocery getter as little as 150,000- 200,000 miles but as a vehicle seeing only highway miles 1,000,000+.

04-06-2007, 14:57
1,000,000 miles? this is based on one you've seen or driven?

04-06-2007, 22:50
Based on the fact that highway tractor trucks turbo's routinely get this type of service and more. The 6.5's turbo if used in a high mile applications would have no reason to also see this type of service. It is one of the few pieces on the 6.5 that is of a design, quality that would far out last the rest of the engine in service life. The turbo on the 6.5 has a very easy life compared to 90% of turbo applications were exhaust temps remain high and boost psi is also high in the 25 to 35 psi ranges for most of thier service life.

04-07-2007, 20:39
ok I'll buy that. If you think the 6.5 turbo is built as well as the big guy's turbos.