View Full Version : DB2 Pump Question

03-27-2007, 19:16
I just purchased a Injection pump on Ebay. Seller says it will fit my N/A 86 Suburban 6.2 J code. The Pump is a DB2831-5436 .. can anyone tell me if one it will work or what I need to do if anything to make it work? Thanks !


03-27-2007, 19:58
With the 0.31" pumping plunger dia, that's a 6.5 pump, maybe for n\a - it may supply a little too much fuel, but you can adjust the fuel screw for less output.

Do a search here for turning up the fuel, and turn the screw in the opposite direction - ccw, or out by 1/4 turn, maybe more.

03-27-2007, 22:59
The seller says it was calibrated for a 170hp motor and that it would be about right for my 6.2.. how does that sound to you?

03-27-2007, 23:39
Like lots of black smoke - try it - any required adjustments can be easily done on the truck

03-28-2007, 00:39
LOL.. Like James Bond smoke screen.. cool..

I know how to adjust it ( bought the 6.2 book here) I also bumped my old one up a little( like a 1/16 or 1/8) .. So good advice..I will turn it down till its not leaving a smoke screen. Thanks for your replies!

03-28-2007, 08:51
Having purchased many items off ebay, I would be thinking about having that pump run on a test bench prior to installing it.

I have purchased 3 such items from ebay over the years.
All were clean and nice looking and supposed to be ready to go.
one of the three was in good shape, the others were worn out.

Replacing a pump, although not difficult is time consuming and if the pump turns out to be a dud is just frustrating.

Call the local pump shop and see what they would charge to give you a few minutes run on the test bench and see if your new little friend is up to the task.

If it turns out the pump is ok they can also tell you if its flowing far too much fuel for the 6.2 and if so it could be adjusted right there.

Many of these pumps pop up on ebay for sale and many sell for very inviting prices but most have issues.

One of the most common problems is the advance piston bore wears out.
This is not a big issue but requires the bore to be honed out and an oversize piston installed.

Several other things can present themselves during a test that cant be seen from the outside and could render the pump less than worthy.

The least I would do if the pump does check out would be to have a seal set installed.

While the top is off the technician can see if there is a lot of crud in the pump too.

Far too many of these pumps get set aside with some water in them and that spells doom and gloom.

Just food for thought

03-28-2007, 10:31
Very good advice - the early 6.5 IP's are prone to hot-starting problems.

What color is the Standayne model number tag, and is there a green tag on the top cover?

03-28-2007, 10:54

I copied and pasted the item.. hopefully it works.. the item # is 280097796099

the Tag is red.

03-28-2007, 11:11
Too bad the pic is so blurred, but the problematic DB2 had\has a black label

Black label with small green tag is rebuilt

Red tag - dunno fer sure

03-28-2007, 12:24
well I guess theres only one way to find out.. pity the folks following me !!

03-28-2007, 13:57
Yep - just be careful that rightsideup '86 doesn't assume the position of your sig..................;)

03-28-2007, 16:07
Most pump shops are charging around 100 to test run it, because they want to get you for the rebuild.


03-28-2007, 17:27
What would I expect to pay for a rebuild of my existing pump? The two shops around here in Sacramento quoted me $500..

03-28-2007, 18:14
Local shop here does a DB2 for $385

03-28-2007, 20:27
'Bout 5-6yrs back, the DB2 head and rotor was $385, shop cost - must be higher today, now that demand and requirement has diminished.

Ask what parts are replaced when disparate pricing is seen