View Full Version : 1993 manual glow plug controller

03-11-2007, 14:59
Could someone please tell me how to extend the glow time on a 1993?
Thank you.

More Power
03-14-2007, 10:22
We did a story on this back in 1999. After learning how the controller operates, I learned that a thermistor controlled the initial glow cycle. Increasing the resistance in the circuit would extend the cycle (slow the heating of the thermistor). I initially recommended a 5 ohm resistor be added, which extended initial glow times in my truck from 8 seconds to about 12 (at +25 degrees overnight ambient). Turns out the 5-ohm resistor is hard to find. I found mine at Radio Shack, but not all stores in other parts of the country had that value. Since the value isn't all that critical, others began experimenting with a more common 10 ohm, which would be OK.

Cut the Pin C lead on the 1985-93 glow controller connector, and insert a 10 ohm 1/2 watt resistor between the two leads. Before doing this, make sure you have the newer PTC glow plugs, like the AC-60G. The original AC-9G glow plugs could fail with the longer glow times. A wattage of more than 1/2 is OK, but resistors with a higher wattage get physically larger (looks less neat).

I recommend soldering the resistor leads to the Pin C wiring, and cover the new resistor and leads with heat-shrink tubing. I initially installed a variable resistor to try a variety of resistor values. This worked well also. Chris would increase the resistor value during winter and decrease the value in summer.


03-14-2007, 13:19
Thank you for your reply. I should have specified that I wanted to be able to manually control from the cab my glow plug time. I do have the newer glow plugs. After the motor is warm I want to be able to used the glow plugs manually.

03-17-2007, 11:58
cut the "c" wire on the controller, attatch new leads, then bring into the cab and mount a variable potentiometer(resistor with a knob for increasing or decreasing resistance) allowing you to glow for long time or disable glow during hot weather.

More Power
03-17-2007, 13:32
I should have specified that I wanted to be able to manually control from the cab my glow plug time.

If you want manual glow control, simply remove the original glow controller, and in its place install a simple relay - like a Ford starter relay or a 1982 GM glow relay. Then power the coil of the relay with a hot (through a push-button) and ground.

I recommend maintaining the glow system so it operates automatically. This way, your wife, girlfriend, brother, mother-in-law, new buyer when you eventually sell the truck - anyone can drive it without special instructions. :)


03-17-2007, 23:06
You can also instal a solenoid between the auxilery stud and the glow plug side of the glowcontroller,then run a thin wire from the same auxillery stud to a springloaded toggle switch mounted left of the steeringwheel in the cab and run a wire back from the toggle to activate the solenoid. use a no 10 wire for the glow circut, and I used a 60 amp fuse on that aux stud, the standard 30 amps provided blew out.

The way I use it is to turn the key and use up the glowtime provided, then activate the toggle switch for 3 to 5 sec more ,let go of the toggle and start.

It made a huge diff in starting, been using it like that for 14 days and it works fine.

It is also helpfull in case if it is so cold it wont start right away that you can bypass the shorter glow cycles when you try to start again.

some of you might say this is a good way of burning out glow plugs, but I think you can buy a lot of glowers for the price of a new starter motor. beside that if the beast wont start it aint any good for nothing.

03-18-2007, 14:19
Thanks to each of you for your time and ideas.