View Full Version : Old fuel?

WRB Diesel
02-22-2007, 19:57
MY 94 has been sitting in my back yard for over a year now, I have move the pig into my shop and have started away at the faulty head gaskets. My question is; how worried should I be about my fueling system? I live in the NOrthwest and have some concerns about mold and other crap in my fuel tank, fuel lines etc...I plan on dropping the tank and cleaning as best possible, replacing the fuel filter and cleaning the injectors, should I be doing anything else?
Thanks for the help

02-22-2007, 21:15
Take your time on the head gasket(s) and don't worry about the fuel system. Keep everything really clean (injectors and lines).

Just top off your fuel tank and add some fuel additive.

Diesel actually keeps really well.

It'll still be usable even after a year.


WRB Diesel
02-26-2007, 17:34
Thanks for the info...and saving some time as I am getting very anxious to drive this thing around