View Full Version : general labor on fuel pressure regulator?

02-22-2007, 14:54
I apologize,cause i know that answer is in here somewhere but it could take a long time to find and im short on that.i was talking to mr.rinker and the monk about my problem a week or two ago,i finally found a mechanic that knows what hes doing,he said he thinks its the regulator i dont know if that was the trouble code or not, my dad is taking care of it because i have to work originally the guy said it would be an easy fix now that hes gotten into it he said its a bigger job than he thought:( he said that hes has had to drain the anti freeze and remove some other parts to get to the regulator ive seen on here recently the same question and remember that its a reletively easy fix.the problem with the truck that i have found through a couple months of process of elimination is....... it wont start when its hot,when it was cold out around here it would take atleast two hours to cool down in order to start again.well its warming up and taking alot longer to cool down enough to start.basically i need to know whether or not i have to get out the old "boxing gloves"figurativley speeking of course or the pardon my grammar "lube".the guy hasnt given me a figure yet but ive seen the part for about 179.00 and the guy charges about 60.an hour.needless to say i dont have a good feeling about this.any help is appreciated.

02-23-2007, 16:54
allright somebody call the phsyc. ward and tell them im coming to stay for a while.got the truck back this morning started fine the first time fine (when it was cold)as usual second time warm it took about 3or4 secs.third samething,then i went to the car wash to rinse her off by the time i got done i cranked and i cranked she wouldnt go let it sit for about 15 or 20 mins with a jump she fired up in about 2-3sec.the guy i took it to usually works on heavy diesels but said he could fix it.he said the code was the fuel pressure regulator the book said 5.9 hours it took him twice that to get it done,he said hed work a deal w/me i havent seen the bill yet he said hed send it to me.does ANYBODY have any other ideas?injector pump:( ?he said it didnt display any other codes.now im probably going to have to pay 500-600$ for something that didnt fix the problem.there was a discussion on chevy diesel w/a guy that had a similar prob. replaced thousands of dollars worth of stuff,talked to half the gm techs in the country even some way higher ups couldnt solve the problem,eventually gm bought the truck back and was sending one of their engineers to take a look at it.:eek: .unfortunatly i dont have the luxury of having them buy it back,past warranty.by the way for anybody that has advice and i havent talked to before the truck is an 03 qc w/96k on it,no injector replacement yet,done the filter.thanks for ANY help.

02-23-2007, 18:42
Have you checked your battery's ? It might be that they aren't making enough juice to get it started. If they aren't putting out enough voltage, it can cause problems like you have. A friend of mine had a simular experience, and didn't believe it could be battery's, because his truck would turn over pretty good, but not start or at least not everytime. He put in new batt's and now it starts every time. Just a thought. Maybe if you know someone with a new set, they will let you try them. There was a forum on about batterys not too long ago. Hope you get to the bottom of it. I know it can be a pain in the tush when this sort of problem pops up.

02-23-2007, 20:31
Sounds like injectors are going bad. You should be at a GM dealer. Should all be covered under 100k warranty.

02-23-2007, 23:38
thanks for the response guys.ive got two brand new batteries,terminals are spotless.is it possible the injectors are bad even though no codes are coming up?when i first got this truck it had 85k and ran well so i thought.after a month or so the thing wouldnt rev above 2k so i replaced the filter and holymoly the thing would scream,for a little while.ive replaced the filter twice since then,anytime i feel its not running as well as i think it should thats what i do.ive never had the same results as the first time i dont know if thats natural.it runs smooth,no noise no fuel in the oil.if thats the problem those are the words ive been waiting for.thanks for your time guys.

02-24-2007, 06:00
Typically when the FRPR fails, it will fail in a fully open position..this will give you max fuel pressure.
It sounds like the guy "i finally found a mechanic that knows what hes doing,he said he thinks its the regulator" really doesn't know what he is doing.
I would suspect that the injectors are failing like Kennedy stated.
Time to head to the GM dealer and get it handled under warranty.