View Full Version : Limp Mode?

02-16-2007, 16:20
This morning I cranked the '06 up, let it idle for about 15 seconds, backed slowly down the driveway onto the road and gently started down the road. It felt like the parking brake was on or something. Abiout 1/2 mile down the road the afterburners kicked in and, of course, I was on snow and the truck tried to switch ends on me. There were no abnormal indications on the dash or DIC. At first I thought maybe the fuel filter was starting to gell and the heater kicked in (it was about 10*) but it's the same fuel and filter from the past week, when it's been a lot colder. Any ideas?

I am about due for a preventive fuel filter change...

More Power
02-19-2007, 14:12
ALways change the fuel filter as a first step in troubleshooting an engine running problem. In your case, it might have been due to the fuel filter. Hard to say... A Tech II or code reader might show a DTC that doesn't illuminate the check engine lamp. Or... maybe your buddy put a spud in the tailpipe. :D


02-19-2007, 15:51
frozn Turbo? Sounds funny, but had that happening a few times where the turbo didn't spin until the engine warmed up a bit.:eek: