View Full Version : $$Timing gears vs. timing chain

10-12-2003, 22:27
Sort of an opinion poll...
Getting ready to upgrade to dual t-stats/waterpump, and want to do the timing set also.I understand from the strength/accuracy standpoint why gears are better than a chain. However, with a chain set being about $100, doesnt it make sense from a economic standpoint to go chain instead of gears, being that Phazers are over $300? The first chain has gone 115,000 miles and still functions.

Bobbie Martin
10-13-2003, 04:58
I did this several months ago. I decided to go with the chain. I figure in another 125,000 miles I'll be ready for a total rebuild, so the chain should outlast the engine. I bought a new chain from the dealer for about $55 and reused the gears. If I was going for maximum HP with an unlimited budget, I might have fit the gears. Instead of spending the additional $250 for the gears, I bought an exhaust system. I thought that would give me more bang for the buck.

Johnny B.
10-13-2003, 06:05
Having changed my timing chain and gears about a month ago I opted for chain and gears again. With 228,000 miles if my engine makes it to 300,000 I'll be tickled. I don't think the gears would be cost effective, besides my wife limited my spending.

10-13-2003, 06:29
My thoughts too... But how about you guys that went with the gears? What's the return on your investment?