View Full Version : GMTDScan Tech - Update requests?

01-25-2007, 13:36
I have recieved a request to include RPM and Fuel Rate readouts in the Injector Balance view. Looking back that is something that should have been there from day one, it just got missed http://www.dieselplace.com/forum/images/smilies/redface.gif
While I'm in the process of making an update, is there any more obvious stuff that needs to get added to the application ASAP? The missing help file is one thing, anything else?


01-25-2007, 14:12
I have recieved a request to include RPM and Fuel Rate readouts in the Injector Balance view. Looking back that is something that should have been there from day one

Now you've received two requests for that, I was wondering where it was at...

How about packaging drivers for the USB-2-Com in a .inf file to take care of the hardware portion of this install?


01-25-2007, 17:33
How about packaging drivers for the USB-2-Com in a .inf file to take care of the hardware portion of this install?
OK, I'll look into simplifying the driver install further.

01-26-2007, 08:57
I agree with Kena's request to format the data into seperate Engine, Inj Pump, and Transmission sections - better enables diagnostics and troubleshooting