View Full Version : PMD Cooler Recommendation

12-23-2006, 01:31
I have been having the heat soak, no restart, occaisional stall, restart and error code 35. Lift pump is working, OPS has been changed, as have fuel shut off selenoid. The truck has 255,000 on it and ALLEDGELY the pump has been replaced once. I am now pretty sure that it is the PMD getting heat soaked.

The question is if there is a general consensus of he Kennedy vs SSDiesel PDM
remote kits.

I am ready to order, just looking for any good/bad on either one.

Terry Taylor
'94 6.5 TD Suburban
Banks Power Pack

12-23-2006, 02:55
You could get a cooler "heat sink" from almost any electricial supply house. There are many driver & heat sinks on the market, the drivers are all the same it's the heat sink that maybe different.

I have factory unit inplace, a Heath unit installed under edge of bumper, and another non-brand unit under leading edge of driverside wheel well fins forward.

What ever you decide to get mount outside engine compartment to keep temps down even lower.

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12-23-2006, 07:00
I have the Heath unit on for approx 30,000 miles and am satisfied with its performance. I also feel secure with his 7 year replacement warranty. I installed it upon dealer refusal for replacement under warranty.It solved my problem and continues to work fine.
Good Luck Dave

12-23-2006, 07:11
I've got the Heath under bumper unit, and have not had any problems. I installed it when the dealer replaced the IP under warrenty and after talking with the shop manager the dealership took the PMD off the IP and attached it to the extended harness. All I did was bolt it up. Great dealer, he's gotten lots of my business since then too!

01-20-2007, 08:39
94 Silverado. I felt a little uneasy about putting my remote PMD and heat sink anywhere else but under the hood somewhere. I stuck mine in front of the drivers battery. right behind the opening where the headlight wires go though. Air from the outside flows around the headlights and through that hole...about the size of a silver dollar

Slim shady
01-20-2007, 09:54
I bought a large aluminum heat sink four by six inch extended the wiring harnes and mounted my FSD on the frame under the cab. I have not had a problem in three years.

94 at Large
01-20-2007, 13:17
I am kinda with longhorn on wanting to keep it in the engine bay. Mine is located on the firewall with heat sink and cooled by ducted air from outside and a high cfm fan on a timer for after shut down. Works for me.

01-20-2007, 13:43

Bill's 7-year warranted unit is sealed and weather-proofed for external operation - the other commercially-available units are not weather-proof, but could be made so by cleaning any excess thermal compound off the surfaces, then running a bead of gray RTV around the crack where the FSD joins the heatsink.

Squeegee the RTV into the crack with your little finger to get a smooth fillet, and you're good to go.

The standard GM weather-pak FSD connector is intrinsically weather-proof - check out your parklites\clearancelites\taillites, fuel tank, lift pump, transmission\transfer case, etc, connectors for reassurance, as necessary.

01-20-2007, 14:54
Dropped by a pawn shop, saw an old 200W amp on the floor and asked what they wanted for it. They said it was blown. I said perfect. They gave it to me, I gutted it, mounted the new PMD, and spliced in my own harness. Total cost $300 Canadian ($250US approx). No issues since.

01-20-2007, 21:44
I got an FSD Cooler from Kennedy and mounted it on the intake manifold, as was standard practice at the time. Thirty thou miles later, it failed because of heat. I called Kennedy, but he said I was s**t-out-of-luck. You're better off with the Heath warrantee.

Just my US$0.02.

01-21-2007, 01:35
I've got the Heath setup. Replaced the PMD in June with it and have been really happy. I stood it off the front skidplate about 1 1/2" or so, lots of airflow.

01-21-2007, 23:08
I made my own harness extension and mounted it in the bumper right behind the license plate on a SS Diesel heat sink. I had to fabricate a little bracket and drill a couple holes in the bumper to mount it. No problems in a year and a half.
