View Full Version : 1988 glow tip :)

11-10-2006, 17:39
Hi I have a 1988 6.2, after scraping the internet for every scrap of info I could find about the motor, I found something very interesting. If you take a 10 watt 10 ohm resistor, and splice in into the wire designated "C" on the 5 pin connector for the glow plug controller, you will effectively increase glow time in upwards of 15-20seconds. I have the ac60's in mine so I tried it. My start time was immediate, as compared to crank..wait....crank...wait...crank VROOM. Disconnect the plug and look closely at the connector...its marked a,b,c,d,e. Cut wire C...place resistor inline and reconnect controller. Works incredible and hope this helps someone out. :)

11-10-2006, 20:50
yup, and if you play with the ohm ratings u can adjust it more anyware from 2 more seconds to 60 more seconds

11-10-2006, 21:31
I'm thinking of wiring a dash-mounted pot into this circuit on my next GM diesel, so I can vary glow times based on outside temps.