View Full Version : 1994 6.5 sluggish cold, warm fine???

Jamie Kennedy
11-09-2006, 19:32
I have a customer that has a cold start issue, the engine starts fine and runs fine however when driving for the first few miles it is sluggish and almost not responsive and then all of a sudden it gets a boost of fuel????and is fine from that point. Apparently, the problem is present now for months. New pump, injectors and ECM. No codes.

11-10-2006, 17:31
No codes? Could be a fuel delivery issue.Change the fuel filter, and check that the lift pump is working. Bleed the new filter till you see a clear stream of fuel.I hope it's as simple as this.... keep us posted!

Mark Rinker
11-10-2006, 19:33
Check turbo for free spinning at cold temps. Could be going out.

11-13-2006, 12:25
I'd check all the temperature sensors for correct action.

11-13-2006, 14:50
I'd start with the fuel supply - lift pump and associated circuitry, as suggested

Jamie Kennedy
11-13-2006, 19:16
thnx for the info., all basic checks been done on this baby; however the turbo is the only thing that hasn't been changed or checked!!!! I also found out that the original customer said that the vehicle had the concern for a long time and very consistant with the early start-up problem. I will keep you posted when a cure is found. cheers, Jamie.