View Full Version : Newbie with questions about his 6.2L

10-31-2006, 05:09
Hey guys, got some questions. I recently purchased the '86 Chevy K30 M1008 CUCV in my sig. 50,xxx miles and runs pretty good. The place I got it from changed the oil and replaced the hoses, belts, etc on the engine. Drove it 400 miles home after getting it without a hitch and it starts and goes every time I want it to so far.

My problem (sorta) is I know very little about diesels...other than I wanted one. I was in the Marines a few years ago and drove HMMWV's and a CUCV or two but never did much with the 6.2L. I've owned a similar vintage K5 and have had other GM's and am familiar with the truck but not the engine.

Anything I should check?
Mods I should do for reliability/safety?
Things to look out for?
Any easy mods for a little power/torque?
What are the numbers for this thing's hp and torque?

It's pretty well stock except for the tires. I love it. It's just a toy/hauler/tower and will spend the winters safe and warm in the garage. It doesn't get driven daily and won't unless my DD dies.

10-31-2006, 08:19
Welcome to the Forums!

First of all, if it ain't broke. Don't fix it!

You ask some pretty deep questions, with LOTS of varied answers. I suggest joining the TDP members and read over the articles and reviews. More info than you'll ever be able to absorb. At some point in time, someone has "been there...done that", and it's all documented in reader-friendly format. There will be several books in print available, and you'll want to look over the titles for ones that will apply to your needs. In almost every case, your $20 subscription will pay for itself with your first mod or repair. There will be answers for most of your questions, and some questions you never thought to ask.

Join us HERE (https://thedieselpage.com/form.htm). You won't regret it!

If that's not for you, try searching the forums. Most issues have been discussed at one time or another. If you find a topic of interest and want to reply, the thread may be closed. Just PM or email a Mod or Admin, and request it be opened.

10-31-2006, 15:46
well first off dont ever either the engine with starting fluids. If your in a pinch silicone spray works nicely just make sure your glowplugs are not operating. When you lossen those alternaters to change the v-belts make sure to disconnect the batterys. i made that mistake resulting in a firework show that arched my fuel drainback line in half igniting the diesel, not fun plus it melted my shutdown solinoid. Goto steelsoldiers.com for the TM's (technicle manuals) there very helpfull. Also id suggest you invest in the newer non-swelling glowplugs. oh ya might want to change your door and ignition locks since all cucvs work with the same key. Hope this helps ya and good luck

10-31-2006, 20:01
I kinda like having the one key instead of the seperate door and ignition keys. However it gave the local hardware store fits as the guy looked at the round head and grabbed the wrong key blanks the first time...and then the second.

What's the deal with the non-swelling glowplugs?

11-01-2006, 20:19
I think these are them: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Chevy-GMC-6-5-Turbo-Diesel-Glow-Plug-Plugs_W0QQitemZ150053902050QQihZ005QQcategoryZ3369 3QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
when a older/original plug fails more power comes through your resisters causeing the rest of the glowplugs to fail and possibly swell up makin it difficult to change them also the tip may break off and fall inside the engine. Its definatly worth the $ in the long run. plus they perform better than the oem plugs

11-01-2006, 20:40
Gotcha, thanks.:cool:

Those definitely got added to the want list.

11-06-2006, 08:24
Don't remember what the military uses originally but the "bad" glow plugs are the AC 9G's. The 11G's or 60G's are the non-swelling type.

11-06-2006, 19:08
Welcome to the site. You have picked the right place to learn about your 6.2

I highly recommend the glow plugs from Kennedy Diesel http://www.kennedydiesel.com/

If you use the search feature of this site you will be able to find all kinds of help with any problems that you might run into regarding the 6.2

You might go through the previous messages on this forum and you will learn an awful lot of information that will help you in the future.

Semper Fi
USMC 1962-1968