View Full Version : Slow Starter Crank but Starts

10-06-2006, 10:36
All of a sudden my starter is cranking slow but motor will start after 2 to 3 seconds truck runs fine. Up to yesterday it has always cranked fast and started right away.

Thought it was the batteries, but the check out fine on the hydrometer. What should I be looking for that could have happed for yesterday to today?

10-06-2006, 10:58
Check the connection at the starter.

I've also seen the copper lead coming off the solenoid on the starter crack that goes into the starter motor, leading to poor starting, then a no-start.

But, come to think of it, that was an MT27 6.2 big-gun starter.

Have both batteries been load tested separatly?

I don't think it's batteries either, probably electical connection somewhere, ground to block, etc.


10-06-2006, 11:42
Sounds like it is starting from just one battery. Check your connections. Does your voltmeter read the same?

10-08-2006, 15:02
Well, The GM side terminal connecting both + terminals came loose. I removed both batteries cleaned all terminals and updated to the stainless bolt/nut setup. Oxygard on - terminals, dielectric gel on + terminals.

Back to normal.