View Full Version : End of Summer

10-03-2006, 12:03
Well after a warm summer of no problems starts with the Sol-D the temperature here dropped to a cool -1C and a no start with the Sol-D, had to get out the heat gun warm the unit up a away she went. Kinda knew that would happen, carbon copy of last winter.... well......going out to buy the Heath Kennedy FSD kit and use it for the winter. Rather disappointed that Sol-D has not addressed the cold start issue (9V).

Sol-D for the summer and the Kennndy unit for the winter should be covered by now..

10-03-2006, 14:01

I've heard good things about the Heath Isolator though, if I were to buy a PMD replacement, that's the one I'd get, simply for the warranty and customer support.


10-04-2006, 03:30
I think Robyn may have a handle on this issue with her starter relay.
Well have to wait and see.