View Full Version : liquid cooled thermoelectric fsd cooler

01-06-2004, 19:37
sounds crazy,huh :eek: ..well i'm in the process of putting it together and should be done with it in a couple weeks...it consists of several peltier units(1 50mm and 4 30mm),a couple of large 1/4" copper plates..the "hot" side plate(6" x 6") will be liquid cooled by tying it into my liquid intercooler system...the fsd will be mounted to the cool side(6" x 4") this cool side plate actually makes ice :eek: )...when i'm done i'll take some pics.....and if you're wondering where i got this nutty idea ?? he's a DP member named StephenA, he mentioned it in some other fsd thread and my brain (or lack there of) just couldnt put the concept away...if someone has a homepage to show the pic when done i would appreciate it...it'll be a fun experiement and i got the materials really cheap..i do need some input on one area of the design..anyone know of a a specific device i could use to adjust voltage and or amps to the peltiers ? any inpute is appreciated..thanx....oh yea, StephenA..you're going to be hearing from my shrink :D

01-07-2004, 03:01
The FSD can dissipate 1000 watts. The largest Peltier I have ever seen was 70 some watts I think, you would need 15 of them at 100% duty cycle.

Anyone have some info on the duty cycle of the FSD at various loads/rpm?

01-07-2004, 14:59
i believe the measure of heat given off by the the FSD would be in BTU not watts...my fsd is liquid cooled right now and is luke warm to the touch unlike a heatsink...so i figured a few peltiers would easily bring it to or below ambient..the 50mm peltier is 130 watt,the other four are 85w....i've done some small tests and the cold plate makes ice...i dont have any scientific formula i'm following just doing an experiment....my goal is to have the fsd at ambient all the time no matter the load...i'll need some kind of temp probe with auto-controller to make amperage adjustments to the peltiers...i need a super overclocker computer nerd to show me the way on this aspect :confused:

01-07-2004, 17:45
Overclockers.com has a lot of information on peltiers for cooling processors. Some of the information concerns proper peltier sizing, which may be of some use. You will also find articles on peltier manufacturers and liquid cooling solutions. Enjoy.

01-07-2004, 17:54
thanx smile.gif