View Full Version : replaceing IP, old and new don't match!!

09-30-2006, 18:37
I'm replaceing my IP (see the thread on no power after filter change) and the old and new pumps are different.

the old pump has a spring loaded thing in the center of the part that hooks to the drive gear, th new one doesn't have this.

what is this thing for and does this matter?

I am not seeing any function for it other then to push the IP off the gear (makeing it easier to get out), but I could easily be missing something.

besides the old one clogging up the overflow fitting I can't even turn it over by hand :eek: and even with a wrench on it it's hard.

09-30-2006, 18:41
I believe some of the early ones had this and it was some sort of a thrust bumper device. Are the pumps the same number ??

09-30-2006, 22:57
I believe so, the shop that sold me the rebuilt pump showed me a book with the CUCV listed with that pump number.

it sounds like it's something to forget about. I thought it was probably the case, but figured it was worth stopping and asking about (especially since UPS didn't deliver the injectors today like they were supposed to)

10-01-2006, 00:01
I always swap the damner spring from the old pump to the new, it just pulls out and slides in the new pump.


10-01-2006, 02:23
the pin pulls out, but the spring wants to stay in place.

how is the spring attached? can I get it out with a small screwdriver, or do I need to get a set of needlenose pliers small enough to grab it?

10-01-2006, 09:08
Try needlenose pliers, and twist in the direction of the spring coil top end. It should "release" the tension and make it easier to pull. Careful not to distort the spring. If you can't get a good enough grip with needlenose, try a slip-joint plier ("regular old pliers) with good teeth and a close radius, on the circumference of the spring.

10-01-2006, 12:36
the spring doesn't poke out of the hole, so anything to pull it will have to do so from the inside of the spring.

David Lang