View Full Version : Help - Engine dies.

09-18-2006, 21:57
I have a '02 - 6600/3500 Chevy w/Banks exhaust brake, edge chip and 78,000 miles. Problem in past month is truck engine died 3 times while driving. I put it in neutral and restarts easily. Always happens in traffic as truck is moving. Fuel filter, batteries, alternator is new. I would appreciate any ideas. No trouble light indicators are illuminated on the dash.

First time posting. We can only access during late evenings.

09-22-2006, 08:04
I have had problems with my 02 Dmax dying due to heat under the hood causing the Edge Juice to shut down. I am sure that is the problem with my truck because all I have to do is disconnect the Juice and everything is fine. I pulled my 5th wheel all over Alaska this summer for 9000 miles with the juice on and never had one bit of trouble. As soon as I started making trips around home (Denver) in warmer temperatures, the problem occurs. I have used two different Juice computers with the same results. I have now moved the box to a location that I hope provides better air flow around it. If that doesn't resolve the problem, I am going to build a seperate small cooling fan and mount it over the Juice.


09-23-2006, 19:47
Thanks for the ideas. The computer is located on the side of my fusebox. I could move it to another location to see if it helps. I tow a 15,000# trailer, but this has happened on short trips and not while towing. It is an intermittant problem, not easy to solve.

Thanks again, Steve