View Full Version : engine swap

09-12-2006, 11:51
I am wondering how involved a 6.2 to 6.5 td swap would be. I DID attempt to research in members area tech articles, but I could not get it to accept my password. It would be a 1994 6.5 into a 1985 one ton truck w/ 6.2 and a 4 speed manual tranny. Seeing as the '94 has a computer I am assuming it would be a bit more than straightforward.

Peter J. Bierman
09-12-2006, 13:31
The engines are phisical the same so thats not a problem.
If the 6.5 is a turbo engine you have to modify the exhaust system from the two pipe system to the bigger one pipe.
The hoses to the radiator can be a bit different but thats easy to fix.

The hard part would be to get the electronics to work and to get the wirering
adapted to the 85 systems.
The alternative is to make the 6.5 mechanical, so you find a mechanical pump and a non electronic boost controller and use the wirering and cables from the 6.2 engine.

this way you stay away from all the trouble with the PMD/ FSD and other known flaws with the 6.5 electronics.
It's easier to get more power from the engine too.

Anyway, it can be done but for the details you better ask your questions on the 6.5 forum, couse there are the experts.

Good luck, Peter

09-12-2006, 14:57
Thank you for that information. It would be nice to stay away from computers and excessive eletronics. Now, off to the 6.5 sources.