View Full Version : MF35 6.2 swap... how to?

09-03-2006, 02:55
I have a MF 35 with a 4 cyl standard motors engine. Hard to start as usual...
But as I can see here: http://www.thedieselpage.com/readers/kolkman.htm, there is a nice solution to the problem... And it so happens that I have a spare 6.2 engine laying around.

Is this a easy swap, or do I have to rebuild the tranny to cope with the power from the 6.2? Do I have to make a adapter between the engine and the tranny, or will it bolt directly on?

I'm a little reluctant to part the tractor before I know a little more, but I really would love to do this swap.

Anyone got some more info?

09-03-2006, 08:36
i was wondering about that myself in interested in how he adapted the engine to act as the suspension without problems, because on those tractors the engine was also the frame

09-03-2006, 11:50

Well it

09-04-2006, 02:57
The issue about the engine being a part of the frame etc. is a minor problem. A couple of I-bars would solve that.

The most important issue I guess is how to mate the engine and the tranny, and if you have to modify the tranny to handle the torque/hp of the 6.2... If so, one could as well start building from scratch... ;-)

Peter J. Bierman
09-05-2006, 03:20
I'm not realy an expert but I know there is a subframe alongside the engine to keep the front and rear together with the missing framepart what the engine was.

I do not know how the engine and trannny mate, but I'll ask if I talk to Lammert ( the builder/ owner ).

I do know that there is an extra seperate clutch somewhere between the engine and the rear wheels to be able to make those spectacular wheelspin starts, and that its electric/hydraulic operated.

Anyway, this is not an easy swap but it can be done depending on your abbility to manufacture the parts and solve the problems, but that is up to you.


09-05-2006, 05:56
The manufacturing stuff is of no problem. And I guess I could do all the thinking too... ;-) But my biggest concern is the tranny and if it can handle 130Hp instead of about 35Hp... Guess its solid enough, but it would be a shame to destroy it.

09-05-2006, 07:51
the transmission can handle it i have 4 of them

Peter J. Bierman
09-05-2006, 08:15
Lammert's tractor has an estimated 400 HP and lives, but thats only for a couple off seconds, not for the trany but for the heat, the smal radiator is not realy enough for a couple of hours plowing!

Have a look at the movie in the link it's somewere on it.

