View Full Version : Massive White Smoke?

08-31-2006, 15:45
80 Olds Cutlass project. Bought a new pump and injectors hoping to cure my white smoke problem. No luck, still have TONS of white smoke! Starts fine, idles very rough, ~380PSI compression per cylinder, cold engine! No diesel rattle. Floored it won't make it above 3000RPMs.

Timing chain?

08-31-2006, 16:12
Sounds like your timing is way retarded. Try advancing it about 1mm at a time. Your timing chain/sprockets could be very worn, causing the default timing marks to be retarded.

08-31-2006, 16:17
I tried advancing the old pump as far as it would go, didn't help. I'll try this one and report back.

And when I say smoke, IT SMOKES, i'm talking major smoke screen!

08-31-2006, 16:26
OK, I almost got excited! Pushed the pump to the drivers side to the max (probably 2-3mm)! First ~20 seconds of running no smoke, then started puffing again. Didn't seem as bad as before.

And for the first time i heard rattle!

Its got to be the chain?

08-31-2006, 16:28
How long has it run? Has it run long enough to get all the air out? If there is enough air in the pump and lines, it will smoke until it's bled. Air will retard the timing. Which way are you rotating the pump to advance it? Remember, the pump rotates opposite the crank/cam.

08-31-2006, 16:48
The air is out, i have a clear tube on the return from the IP to "T". I am advancing the pump, pushing it towards the drivers side. I also have a pressure gauge post lift pump, ~10PSI at idle.

08-31-2006, 23:37
Hmm, Very familiar!

OK, I tinkered inside of a 4911 pump trying to get the max governed speed above the 3600 RPM limit it was set for. Don't know what I messed up, but it did this same thing, ended up swapping out the injection pump.

Engine would start, but wouldn't really idle at all and would die, wouldn't rev, and would just BELCH white smoke like no tomorrow, completly white, no grey, no black, WHITE like a cloud in the sky, but in my shop instead.

I suspect a bad injection pump, or whatever is wrong with mine, still sitting on the shelf for a pump guy here in town to tinker with...

09-01-2006, 07:59
Since this is the 2nd pump that has done this, I sure hope its not the pump!

I guess i'm gonna have to tear it down and inspect the timing chain!

I did fill with a fresh tank of fuel before this happened?

09-02-2006, 16:59
Fixed, the pump return lines was clogged!

Any chance of pump damage because of this?

09-02-2006, 21:44
no i doubt it