View Full Version : DSG Gear Drive Question?

08-19-2006, 01:53
Hi I just finsihed a rebuild on the bottom end and have added a DB2-4911 IP and 6.5 turbo Injectors and DSG gear drive and new heads. Where is a good place to put the timing marks to first start this ? Lined up or should I be on one side of the line or the other? When I tore it down the lines were over 1/4 apart but the chain had 7/8 inch stretch on it so I figured that they were compensating for that. Just about the limit I think before it would cause problems , definately over what is recommemed. I know that the gear drives are more acurate and from what I have seen posted ususally keep about 2 degrees diffeerence alll the time. How does that correlate to what a new chain would be at?



More Power
08-19-2006, 12:11
I'd recommend beginning with the pump scribe line about 1-2 mm to the passenger side of the timing cover scribe line.

With the marks lined up, you'lll likely be too advanced. Rotating the pump toward the passenger side will retard timing - about 2 degrees per mm (or 3 degrees per 1/16").


08-19-2006, 16:38
Thanks , I seem to remember something about keeping it to the left. I'll move it over about two lines until it starts and then see how it sounds.
