View Full Version : Used Palm oil for bio-diesel

08-11-2006, 07:02
Are the processes deferent to make bio-diesel from used Sunflower oil and used Palm oil?

How does animal fat in the used oil affect the end product or bio-diesel?

Is there anybody on the forum that use Palm oil?

08-11-2006, 10:25
The process is the same, even for animal fat. The key is an accurate titration, for each type of oil. If you are using new oil (not waste oil), you can do an initial titration, and use the result for all your oil of the same type. Waste oil requires a titration test for each batch, as you can't control the level of contamination and degredation. Animal fat requires a titration test for each batch, as well. An added bonus of animal fat is a longer shelf life and less water absorbtion, both before and after processing. DO NOT mix veggie and animal fat before processing, and store them separately. They can be mixed in the vehicle tank after processing, no problem.

Palm oil is not desirable in many US (and Europe) locations, either as a WVO fuel, or biodiesel. It is much less tollerant of ambient temps below 50-60