View Full Version : AC Evap Core as post IC cooler

08-08-2006, 04:40
Yes, this has been brought up in the past but cost was an issue at the time. I know FORD had recieved a patent on a simular type of setup. This one would be different in that the evap core (custom) would be a tube which aircharge would run through it's entire length from IC/CC to intake charge cooling air to a much cooler temp than any IC/CC alone.

I've tinkered w/ammonia as a medium because of it's ability to make ice quickly when run at high temps, but this is much too dangerious unless it can be controlled safely to use within a road vehicle. I've seen where some crazy person actually used ammonia as an engine cooling medium, it worked too. How long? I don't know.........

Any thoughts?

08-08-2006, 10:59
Any thoughts?

K.I.S, S

An air to air intercooler has no moving parts, is virtually maintenance free, and draws no power from the engine...

Oh, yeah, no poisonous gasses, either...

08-08-2006, 13:28
John's right. Another thing to consider is parasitic loss. Whatever power/cooling you gain will be exchanged with engine load, and coolant temp. Air to air is free (parasitically). Any other method comes at a cost. Yep. KISS.

Adding a little water or water/methanol to the intake air would go a lot further than a sophistocated cooling system, and it won't add heat to the coolant. The bonus is a little more power, too.

08-09-2006, 02:51
John's right. Another thing to consider is parasitic loss. Whatever power/cooling you gain will be exchanged with engine load, and coolant temp. Air to air is free (parasitically). Any other method comes at a cost. Yep. KISS.

Adding a little water or water/methanol to the intake air would go a lot further than a sophistocated cooling system, and it won't add heat to the coolant. The bonus is a little more power, too.
This has worked for me for over 3yrs.:D The water/methanol;) And to date I see no adnormel ware on turbo blades.