View Full Version : Installed triple dog on LBZ yesterday

Brad Pelot
07-19-2006, 14:33
Just installed the triple dog on my pickup yesterday. Pulls real hard from stop and all the way through the gears. Works real good. running it on the performance setting 90 hp.

07-19-2006, 18:01
What is the tripple dog?

Brad Pelot
07-20-2006, 07:23
It is bullydogs downloader with outlook moniter. I can moniter egt's, boost, speed, etc. with it. Also I can adjust different power levels on the fly.Between 55hp 90hp and 138hp. 138hp not recomended for stock tranny.

07-20-2006, 15:29
This may be a stupid question, but if you have a Duramax and don't plan on ever having any other diesel, why would you need the Triple Dog vs the unit designed specifically for the Duramax? Ed

Brad Pelot
07-21-2006, 08:06
To my knowledge the triple dog with outlook moniter is the only one currently available that you can adjust on the fly, and also moniter egt boost etc.