View Full Version : Vapour Lock In Injector Pump

06-09-2006, 15:35
I have this bothersome problem with what I'm guessing is vapour locks in my mechancial injector pump on hot days. Engine runs a little hotter than normal and all seems ok. Turn the engine off and then nothing when trying to restart. Leave it for an hour and still nothing. Pour a couple of cups of water over the injector pump (even if it has only been off for a couple of minutes) and we have ignition.

Is there some way of retifying this :confused:

06-09-2006, 16:06
The injection pump is worn, With the heat soak the fuel gets very thin and the worn plungers you can't get enough pressure to pop the injectors.
The injection pump needs to be rebuilt.

06-09-2006, 17:19
Doh!:( Is this something I can do or does it require specialist tools?

This is my first diesel after 25yrs of petrol (gas) engines so is a bit of a learning curve. Next on my list is to rebuild a 6.2 so if things should go wrong at least I'll still have the 6.5


06-09-2006, 21:46
Welcome to the Forums!

Injector pumps are better left to the shops that specialize in them. Even some shops that are "Stanadyne Authorized" still can't get them right. Yes, you need special tools and a test stand to do it right. Some (including me) have had success with a workbench rebuild, but I attribute it more to luck than ability.

06-10-2006, 06:24
Thanks for the reply, guess I've gotta start looking for a shop near me. :o

06-10-2006, 06:49
Good Day!

You might want to start with Diesel Page advertisers. They've kinda stood the test of time - to the best of my knowledge, you can't go too far wrong with any of them.


06-11-2006, 04:50
Thanks for the reply, guess I've gotta start looking for a shop near me. :o
Get a rebuilt DB2 pump, you can R&R this yourself. Go over to the 6.2 fourm and they will take you step by step. No need for a shop;)

06-11-2006, 07:09
Get a rebuilt DB2 pump, you can R&R this yourself. Go over to the 6.2 fourm and they will take you step by step. No need for a shop;)
Thanks. the pump maybe that already. The original motor was a 6.2 which expired on the guy who did the engine swap (I brought the vehicle from him). He used almost every thing from the 6.2 and transplanted it onto the 6.5 block (including heads) starter moter. The alternator is from an old diesel Hilux (tundra for you guys in the states).
