View Full Version : 2 fuel questions

G B Sisson
11-25-2003, 00:27
My first question concerns additives.I was raised amongst those who swore by Marvel Mystery Oil.I use it in my diesel fuel with my 6.5.I know there are a few good additives that Ive seen recomended here.Maybe this is just my perception but everyting ive bought looks and smells like a solvent,like laquer thinner or acetone. Some raise your cetane level but most additives claim to lubricate your pump,etc. Im not interested in more power,just longevity. What Im getting at is the marvel at least looks and feels 'oily'. Is this a good choice or am I once again "living in the past"? Second q. is BIODIESEL. I live on an Island with one station that sells diesel(3 that dont). Well all week my station has been closed while they install new tanks. The Hardware store has recently started carrying biodiesel made from soy beans. Since Ive been running on fumes all week,I stopped by there,but chickened out when they said it can loosen up crud in tank and clog filters,also eat rubber lines in pre 94 rigs,but they raved about the lubricity and increased power,longer life etc. All fuel here comes by barge and is expensive and so the price here is about the same as reg fuel....Anyone use this stuff?

11-25-2003, 05:30
Never have run biodiesel, but I have run Marvel Mystery Oil pretty much since I've had my truck. I run about a quart to 22-25 gallons(normal fillup)Where you live, you need to be concerned about fuel gelling in cold weather, and I think MMO doesnt address that as well as a dedicated additive.Does MMO work?I really cant tell. Ive had 4 diesel pumps in 115,000(FSD's) and am on the original set of injectors.
Ocasionally, I put a quart in my crankcase,(dont overfill crankcase) fully warm up the engine and then drain. MMO does a really good job of breaking up the soot in the engine.A lot of deposits come out when you drain. After changing the oil it stays cleaner looking longer.

Marty Lau
11-25-2003, 08:20
If all you want to do is add Lube to your fuel then how about using 2 cycle oil it is made to be burned with no sludge. BUT, I would and do use a Diesel additive. Most of the time a good additive will increas mileage enough to pay for itself.