View Full Version : Stalled a couple of times, usually fires right back up?

Big Red Suburban
08-11-2004, 22:28
I just got back from the Lake of the Ozarks and had some trouble with my Suburban while I was there and on my way home. It stalled maybe 6 different times throughout the trip (always after it was warmed up). It would always fire back up though. Also, every time it stalled, the engine was at an idle. When I stayed in the throttle running down the highway, I didn't have any trouble. OPS has just been replaced a month or so ago. I replaced the lift pump after I got home hoping to cure the problem, time will tell. Could this be a case of a failing lift pump? Or does it seem more like the FSD is failing? The old lift pump was putting out just under 4 psi and the new one is right at 4 psi. The new one is much louder though, I can hear it in the truck while the engine is running!

FYI, just prior to my trip I installed Kennedy's 3.5" exhaust and chip. Wow, it drives like a new truck. Next, I need to install the high-pop injectors...

Barry Nave
08-12-2004, 00:03
This sounds like a FSD case.Lift pump should not be heard unless your under the truck.
My fsd would run also untill I backed of the power, then came a point where it would not restart with out cooling down.

08-12-2004, 04:44
Is your lift pump contacting the frame? That might make it louder. If its just the pump's own noise - I wouldn't bet on that one lasting long!

Big Red Suburban
08-23-2004, 05:37
I got my new FSD and cooler installed this weekend. FSD Cooler Pics (http://community.webshots.com/album/86612741peTWdj)

I am hoping this cures the problem, because I need to go to Chicago this weekend (about 650 miles one way) to pick up my new boat. :D

The lift pump isn't contacting the frame, just loud. I think I will keep my old pump in the suburban with the wrenches I need to change it, just in case.

I wonder if I can return the new pump to Orielly's since it is so loud? It is putting out good flow at 4 psi.