View Full Version : Non 6911 DB2 rebuilt as a 6911

05-13-2006, 13:02
So is this possible?
Can you have an older style DB2 rebuilt to 4911 specs?

Wether it can be done or not who is the recommended rebuilder or should I just use my old as a core on a new?



edit: oops I guess I meant 4911 specs :)

05-13-2006, 13:29
Are you sure you don't mean "4911"?

In any case, the short answer is yes. There are very few exceptions, but in most cases, it's just a matter of exchanging hard parts and setup/calibration.

05-13-2006, 18:28
The 4911 pump does have a larger head in true form. The 6.5 pumps have 831 heads, where as the 6.2 pumps have 829, smaller head, smaller overall capacity.

But, simple answer, you can have a 6.2 built to 4911 specifications. Some parts will be changed out, namely a shorter advance piston will be installed, and some other parts. The 6.2 head will produce enough and a little more fuel than the 4911 mm^3 specification calls for.


05-14-2006, 17:56
OK, cool thanks for the info.

So since it can be done, who would you guys recommend to perform the oepration?
