View Full Version : oil level

08-09-2004, 07:21
The 6.5 is in the motorhome now,superchargers are spinning, but since I had to alter the shape of the oilpan I have no way of knowing what the oillevel should be. Does anyone know much cm's of oil should be above the pan bottom? If I know that I can make up a new dipstick and calculate how much can go into the pan and howmuch needs to be stored in the filters and coolers to get the richt amount.

08-09-2004, 07:34
Interesting problem. If you don't get an answer here, I'd contact


These guys have been making specialty oil pans for years, and should be able to answer your question, or point you to a resource that can.

Good luck! Post some pictures of your 'beast'!

08-09-2004, 22:09
Thanks for the info. Pictures can be found at: http://www.gmcmhphotos.com/gallery/showalbum.php?aid=432&&uuid=marc
The album will be updated today.

Barry Nave
08-10-2004, 02:23
:cool: ;) :D :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
Wow,what can one say!
Hard work,good job, can't wait to hear how this supper charged beast perfourms :D
Keep us posted.

08-10-2004, 04:22
i have always liked those gmc's,and have had thoughts of doing just what you are,where you got the turbo setting.

08-10-2004, 05:04
no turbo, 2 eaton superchargers

Dvldog 8793
08-10-2004, 07:18
Why the superchargers instead of turbos? I mean besides the fact that they look/sound really COOL!
Great job !!! :D
Conley Janssen

08-10-2004, 07:39
I'm wondering about the pair of supechargers as well. A sinlge m62 can actually feed the needs of a gm diesel due to 3600rpm being redline, and a m92 (from a tbird supercoup) is actually overkill. How much boost do you plan on running? And at 14degrees rise per psi, how much intercooler are you going to need?

08-10-2004, 08:14
What specifically is your concern about oil level? There are several different issues. First, quantity: you need to heve enough oil to absorb the heat load without degrading. Second, the oil level has to be far enough below the crank throws to prevent frothing. Third, the pickup tube has to be long enough that the oil doesn't stagnate at the bottom of the pan,and the pump doesn't suck air.

If it's the second thing you're concerned with, the original dip stick and tube should still give you the correct indication, as long as it doesn't hang up on the bottom of the pan. If it's one of the other two, well, you're sort of stuck with the capacity of the modified pan and pickup tube design.

08-10-2004, 08:32
The superchargers are there because of the needed low end torque, there's two of them because the're M 45's on wich I could lay my hands. Superchargers and donor cars are not widely available here. The spec sheet indicates 1 is not enough. For starters I intend to run +/- 10 psi boost, and see how that goes.I will add intercoolers later.
As for the oillevel: The bottom is still in its original place, so the pickup will be right above it, bur the dipstick tube is transferred to the other side. The original dipstick didn't come with the engine, so I have no idea off the original level. I intend to increace the quantity with the aid of a remote tank, to transfe as much heat as possible to the oversized cooler. This leaves me with the question of cm above panbottom to avoild foaming.

08-11-2004, 16:46
Fine post, J.C.

08-13-2004, 06:16
yes, you would need a pair of m45's.
Around me, gm3.8 motors are readily available (as they are on ebay) with m62's. 10psi would net 140degree temp rise -- what intercooler option you going with?

08-13-2004, 09:42
Dont know yet, depends on what i can find. Until now i found a nice small intecooler from a VW 2.8 TDI which could be nice, altough I would have to find a pair. Haven't looked too hard yet.

[ 08-13-2004, 11:20 PM: Message edited by: Marc Hogenboom ]

08-13-2004, 11:31
If you can't find anything -- might consider water injection/cooling. +140degree air is hot, and egt's will suffer.

08-14-2004, 06:12

You also might consider hooking up the bypass valves in the m45's to the throttle cable, that way boost psi is linked to your right foot. It'll keep intake temps / parasitic loss lower at light throttle. (It'll also let you set your pully sizes up for higher WOT boost)

Collect ac condensate and run water spray post supercharger to cool, on a throttle position switch, so that as throttle/boost increases, it turns on the water. A 175ml or a 225ml per minute nozzle from snow performance might be just the ticket.

Let me know how it goes -- I'm very interested in putting a m62 on, and would love to learn from your experience.