View Full Version : Stanadyne Junior Performance Formula

12-02-2004, 18:36
I was visiting Power Diesel of Fayetteville (NC) inquiring about a new IP and install. The conversation lead into what type of additive I was using. Told him Power Diesel from Walmart. He toss me a bottle of Stanadyne Junior Performance and told me to try it out free of charge. So I filled up prior to driving up to Fredericksburg, VA and put in the required amount. Got to the VA border (120 miles) and thought my gas gauge was stuck. I got such great mileage out of just one fill up I went back to Power Diesel and bought a case of the stuff. Has anyone else have had any similar experience with the Stanadyne product? The engine also idle more smoothly and better accelleration.

12-02-2004, 22:14
i started using Stanadyne Performance a month ago, had been using Stanadyne Lubricity before that. i do notice a little more pep now.

12-03-2004, 06:40
Good Day!

I bought a 5 gallon pail of Stanadyne Performance Formula (PF) recently. I'll let you know what, if any, effect I notice.

They claim "up to" 9.6% fuel economy improvement. I NEVER believe such claims without data I generate myself, which I'll be doing. At today's diesel prices, however, if I get ≈ 3% improvement, the PF is free, & I get the lubricity, pour point reduction, cetane improvement, etc. for nothing. Pretty good, huh?

It's worth looking at their sales lit for this stuff. It's about 8 pages long (downloadable). Most of it is typical sales stuff, which I take with a large grain of salt. On about page six, however, they have three charts that name names & there are actual numbers on the results. Pretty impressive stuff. They are clearly the best in lubricity, pour point reduction, & cetane improvement. The only close competitor is John Deere's fuel additives (they have both a winter & summer formula), & JD is no slouch.

I looked into PF in search of lubricity additive for 2006, when the dramatic sulfur reduction in our fuel kicks in, the process which ruins the lubricity of our fuel. I will begin using the Stanadyne lubricity formula, probably in addition to PF, as this gets closer.


Brian Johnson, #5044

12-03-2004, 12:31
I always understood that the JD addative was stanadyne performance formula in a JD bottle. It used to be a cheaper way of getting the performance formula


12-03-2004, 14:45
Who normally carries stanadyne additives? Lots of places around here carry Power Service, which I am using now, but am thinking about switching. I have not noticed mpg improvement with power service additive, but the truck is running very well and smoothly.

12-03-2004, 18:01
I cangive you Diesel Power's telephone number and they can possibly send you out a case, or point you in the right direction.

12-03-2004, 19:21
Go to the Stanadyne web site and use their dealer locator function.

12-06-2004, 06:16
This is not specifically about Junior formula, but the regular Stanadyne Performance Formula.

I've been using it for about 4 years - with good success, until I went to fill up my tank last week and found the additive to be gelled up to the consistency of honey!

I usually keep a couple of bottles in a cardboard box in my pickup bed, and we had a cold spell here lately - several days with lows below 10 degrees F.

Has anyone else had this problem? I find this suprising as one of the things the additive is supposed to do is prevent gelling! Maybe just a bad batch of additive? The temperature has warmed up since and the bottles seem to be back to their usual fluid/slippery consistency.

I find this a little alarming as I'm wondering if it could gel up in the fuel tank/system as well?


12-06-2004, 18:44
Hey all, I've been using PF for about three years, I too noticed that my mileage increased pretty significantly, at least for the first few times i used it, then it seemed like it kind of slid back to about where it was before. I keep using it though because of the other benefits. I've been ordering mine from Diesel Injection Services in Texas

Marty Lau
12-09-2004, 10:27
You might also try some of the auto parts stores in your area, the CarQuest by my office carrys Stanadyne products.

12-09-2004, 10:48
One other person mentioned "gelling" of the Performance Formula in the bottle some time ago on this forum (search might turn it up). I haul around a case in the back of my Suburban all the time (for nearly two years now) and have never personally seen anything like what you describe. It might be "a bad batch" like you stated.

I have not been able to see or measure any performance improvement or mileage increase, but use it to prolong the life of my injection pump.

12-09-2004, 11:41
Originally posted by ronniejoe:
One other person mentioned "gelling" of the Performance Formula in the bottle some time ago I think that may be normal. We by fuel for the tractors 1000 gallons at a time. In the winter we put anti-gel in it, but a bottle of straight anti-gel doesn't look very impressive at -20. Antifreeze is the same way: It freezes sooner at 100% than at 50%...

12-09-2004, 13:31
I've been forgetting to follow-up. I did e-mail Stanadyne technical support and asked about the gelling. It seems it will gel below 10 degrees F in concentrated form:

Here's their response:

"THANK YOU for your inquiry! Yes, the Performance Formula additive in its concentrated form (in the bottle) will definitely start to solidify below 10˚F when exposed to frigid temperatures for any length of time which is why we recommend that it be stored at room temperature. Our chemists have not been able to explain to us in terms that we can translate exactly what the chemical process is, but once the Performance Formula is mixed with fuel it will prevent gelling of the fuel, but the concentrated additive itself will freeze.

Performance Formula is not meant to work in an emergency situation when your fuel has already gelled - there are so-called