View Full Version : 6.2 with 6.5 turbo writeup???!

03-10-2006, 17:32
hey all...

ok i have been all over the internet looking on a write up for a 6.5 turbo install on a 6.2 i have seen pics with the turbo installed but hopefully someone will have a pics of everything as they installed it... what parts they used. etc.... hopefully

03-10-2006, 18:03
Well, I haven't done that particular install, but if I was going to here's what I'd do.

First of all, get 6.5l TD heads, injectors, and injector lines. That way you'll have a better head design, injectors meant to be used with a turbo, and lines that fit without having to bend them.

Next, ditch the mechanical fuel pump and use the 6.5l oil drain setup. Mount a 6.5l electric fuel pump as close to the tank as possible. The oil pressure switch is optional, mine's wired to switched power but if I ever lose all oil pressure I'll probably end up with a ruined engine (to me the risk of that happening is pretty unlikely.)

I'd keep the stock fuel filter (84-up 6.2l, all 6.5l) and use it as the primary, and use a Racor w/45S element (2 micron) as the secondary.

If the truck is the 73-87 body style and you have AC, getting a 6.5l turbo on is going to be almost impossible without some major reworking of the AC setup. Without AC your only problems will be fitting an exhaust bigger than stock between the engine/tranny and framerail, and possibly interference between the 6.5l driver's side exhaust manifold and slave cylinder (at least there was on my truck w/SM465.) I used the 6.2l driver's side exhaust manifold and modified the crossover pipe to fit.

This isn't an exhaustive list, because as I said before I haven't done this swap. However, from my knowledge of 6.2l and 6.5l engines I'd have to say it's fairly comprehensive :)

03-11-2006, 02:11
i should have put some info on the orginal post. i had a '90 6.2 blazer, bent a rod, and just pulled it and droped in a 350 (bad idea) along with having bad mpg, i was always dumping $$$ into it. well i have sold the blazer and now im lookin around for a 6.2 truck with a sm465 . something i hated about my old 6.2 was the lack of power, crusin at 65 -- hit a small hil, and im stuck at 40mph. so this will be a project truck and im tryin to do some reaserch before i drop a lot of $$$ this time.
this will be mostly a DD, but will see wheelin so will proably end up with 33 - 35" tires on it... so i know i will have to regear

so what is gained with the 6.5 heads? better injection angle? what does it change the compression to? useing the 6.5 heads could i just go get them rebuilt, replace head bolts, and bolt on using the same push rods?

do i reuse the 6.2 ip, or would you reccomend getting one from a 6.5

the oil shut off is that just to kill the fuel pump if the oil pressure is low?
and the million dollar question.. what years do i look out for? were all 6.5s the same? what should i look for if i start looking for parts?


03-12-2006, 17:49
I too am planning on the 6.5 turbo conversion for my non AC '84 Suburban. But while I want MORE POWER ;) I am not woefully disappointed in the current engine. Going through the WV "mountains" or climbing other fairly steep hills, I am usually able to keep 65+ with the truck - as long as I am vigilant. There isn't much power in reserve, but that is why I want the turbo. When towing the loaded car trailer, it is definitely less fun, but I can still keep up with traffic. You may have had some other problems with your old 6.2. By the way, mine is in a 3/4 ton suburban, has the old dual exhaust set up and a "J" code intake (along with a "J" code engine). My mileage is the only thing which bothers me, and that is usually in the 15-16 range.

03-12-2006, 22:45
hey, so basicly i want to know more about the head swap... i understand how to put a 6.5 turbo on a 6.2 but im intrested in the head swap that was disscused. sounds neat, i havent found anything supporting it online, mabe im looking in wrong places. what kinda power is expected with 6.5 heads on a 6.2 with the turbo? what are some other good places online with info about the 6.2 online?

More Power
03-13-2006, 23:07
Info from several years ago, that appeared here in TDP.

The bolt patterns and port sizes are all the same. So yes, the 6.5 manifolds will bolt right onto any 6.2. The exhaust flow and other dynamic processes are very similar between the 6.2 and 6.5, which means the performance would also be similar.

However, there are three problems with using a 6.5 factory turbocharger on a 6.2 in a 80's truck.

1- The turbo sits very near the A/C housing and will require some modification to the housing to gain the necessary clearance. Non-A/C trucks will be unaffected.

2- The injector angles and length of the 6.2 injectors on a 6.2 head puts the injector fuel line fittings uncomfortably close to the turbo side exhaust manifold, and may even touch in at least one spot.

3- A special turbo downpipe needs to be made to clear the frame rail. The stock 6.5 downpipe won't work without modifications. Those who have done it say doglegging outside the frame rail - then back under seems to work best.

I know of at least two other people who are running a 6.5 turbocharger on a 6.2 engine in an 80's style truck. One installed 6.2 van injectors which are shorter in length. This gave him enough clearance to satisfy him. With the addition of the stock 6.5 heat shield I think this is a workable solution.

Another member from Australia made a 1/4" exhaust manifold spacer used between the exhaust manifold and the head. This works for him.

Of course installing a set of 6.5 heads would simplify the installation.


03-29-2006, 13:15
hey all...

i have seen pics with the turbo installed but hopefully someone will have a pics of everything as they installed it...

Does anyone have the pics or links to pics like these?